Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 494
January 15, 2001

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 494
BID: $OPDX.494
January 15, 2001
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, K1VV, KF2TI, W2DEC, WB2YQH/ WB2RAJ & The 59(9) DX Report, W3LEO, W3UR & The Daily DX, N4AA & QRZ DX, WB4PVT, WD4NGB, AC6V, K6IPV, K8YSE, KU9C, 9V1YC, CE6TBN, DL5EBE, DL7AFS, EA3AJI, EA5KB, G3XTT, JQ1SUO, OZ6OM/OZ7M & OZ 50 MHz DX Bulletin, SM0AGD, UU6JM, VE3EXY, VK3TZ, YS1RR and Arja Laine for the following DX information.

IMPORTANT NOTICE (Time for you to write to MSN.COM). Your editor was informed this week by our ISP provider that MSN.COM E-mails are being banned and will no longer be accepted on the "NSHORE.ORG" system. This is due to the large amount of "spam e-mail" that comes to "nshore.org" every day. This has grown to the extent of no longer being just an annoyance, but actually dangerous to the ISP systems. After much thought and discussion with other system administrators, that, because the administrators of "msn.com" are obviously unwilling to even talk (i.e., to even respond) to inquiries, to "nshore.org", my ISP is going to join several other ISPs from permitting any E-mail address that contains the domain name "msn.com" in it from coming onto his system. In other words, until such time as "msn.com" can guarantee them that significant measures are taken to prohibit the originating/mailing/relaying of this "spam email" from that corporation, users interested in any of the services provided by "nshore.org" are going to be required to acquire mailboxes on other systems (e.g., "hotmail.com" or "juno.com", etc.) What this means for subscribers and individuals who send info for the OPDX is that if your E-mail address ends in "msn.com", you will no longer be able to send email to "nshore.org", but you will continue to receive email from "nshore.org", such as the OPDX Bulletin. It is HIGHLY recommend if you need to send me any DX info from "msn.com", PLEASE send it to: kb8nw@arrl.net (until a change takes place). If you want to unsubscribe from the OPDX, you can send an unsubscribe message (with your msn address after the word unsubscribe) from another system or send me a message to the "ARRL.NET" address, and I will do it manually...... 73 de Tedd KB8NW

3C1, EQUATORIAL GUINEA. Erik, SM0AGD, reports that he will be visiting Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, from January 23rd through February 5th. This will be on Bioco Island, IOTA AF-010. Eril was active from the same location in 1975 and 1989. His amateur radio licence has been granted and will be issued after his arrival. So, currently his callsign is not yet known. Erik is calling this an old-fashioned, small-scale DX-operation: Just one operator, low power and no directional antennas. He will be active on all HF bands, 160-10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY, running only 100 watts into a vertical and wire antennas. High power is not allowed, but the location is good and should help somewhat. His QTH will be at the same old Hotel Bahia where he was staying in 1975 with a free view of the northern hemisphere over The Gulf of Guinea. Erik intends to spend some time in the CQWW 160m Contest on January 26-28th, and also in the BARTG RTTY Contest the same weekend. His friend Jan, SM5DJZ, has agreed to act as a pilot and will be able to QSP information in both directions. Jan's E-mail address is: djz@swipnet.se This operation is sponsored by Northern California Dx Foundation. QSLs go to his home callsign SM0AGD.

3C0, BOUVET. Chuck, 3Y0C, was heard over the weekend mainly on 20 meters on 14260 kHz between 2345 and 0030z. However, there were a few on 75 meters on 3772 kHz around 0245z. During the past week, he was also heard on 17/15/12/10 meters. An update from the WD4NGB Web page states the following from the island: "Murphy has struck again at Bouvet. They had a avalanche there this week along with the other bad weather, that killed a lot of the seals. That put their already very busy schedule on overload. The other news is they have been informed that the ship will be back to pick them up earlier than planned. They were given the date of March 2nd as the latest pickup date, but it could be as much as 2 weeks earlier than this." For up-to-date info and a new set of pictures from the island, check out the Web page: http://www.qsl.net/wd4ngb/3y0.htm

3D, CONWAY REEF (Update). According to Raymundo, YS1RR, the planning for the Conway Reef DXpedition continues, and you can see the Conway Reef 2001 Licensee Authorization from the Government of Fiji on the Web Page at: http://www.kragujevac.co.yu/3d2/licence/licence.htm He also mentions donations/contributions are NOT coming in for this operation. So far only 150 USD have been sent (from Korea only), none from Europe/Japan/USA. Nenad, VE3EXY, reports that once the team including Raymundo, YS1RR, are on their way to Conway, the only contact will be by the radio, and the source of info will be at the following Web site: http://www.magma.ca/~ve3exy/ Currently the web page just repeats the info, and provides the link to YU site. This site will be more interesting during the DX operation.

4U, ITU HQ. Plently of activity from this one over the past week. There were operations on 80/30/20/17/15/12/10 meters CW/SSB. Keep an eye on the clusters for spots. QSL via CBA or the bureau.

4W, EAST TIMOR. 4W1CW and 4W1UN were heard active this past week. 4W1CW was heard on 24907 kHz and 4W1UN was heard on 10106 kHz, both between 0200-0230z.

9M6, EAST MALAYSIA (Also possibly V8). From a press release, Don/K6IPV and Dave/W6AQ, will operate from the Hillview Gardens Resort Club radio station, 9M6AAC, between February 10-22nd. Their personal callsigns will be 9M6IPT and 9M6AQT, respectively. This time frame covers the ARRL DX CW Contest. The duo will not know whether they will be blessed with a special contest callsign or not, but they will announce the callsign to be used before the contest. Also, since they have missed out on Spratley (9M0) for this trip, they are hoping that they may be able to get over to Brunei (V8) for two or three days maybe for contest operations from there instead of Hillview Gardens. QSL route/s are to be announced in due course. (The complete press release will be sent to all OPDX InterNet Subscribers as an additional bulletin.)

A5, BHUTAN. The whole Johnson family, Glenn/A52GJ, wife Vivien/A52VJ, son Mark/A52MJ, son Paul A52PJ and daughter Melissa/A52YL, was heard active this past week. Glen was heard active on 80/40/30/20 meters, mostly CW, but some SSB on 20 meters. Mark was active on 80/20/10 meters mostly SSB, but with some 80 meters CW. Paul was heard mainly on 20/10 meters SSB. Vivien and Melissa were active on 20 meters SSB.

A52A VIDEO IS HERE! James, 9V1YC, informs OPDX that the A52A Bhutan video is now ready! If you've ever wondered what Bhutan is really like from the inside, or how it feels to be behind an opening day pileup at the #2 most-wanted, then you might be interested in this one. By request, Jim threw in lots more SSB pileups this time, but also included plenty of scenery, people, music, and background info on this absolutely beautiful country. For those that enjoyed the videos from FO0AAA and ZL9CI, this latest addition should be a treat. (And you just might hear *your* QSO in there, too). The video is 60 minutes. Available on VHS (PAL or NTSC). All digitally filmed and edited, and mastered to Digital Betacam. For more information, go to the Web page at: http://home.pacific.net.sg/~jamesb/

AX, AUSTRALIA (Attention Prefix Hunters!). Tony, VK3TZ, reports that for those of you who missed the "AX" prefix during the Olympics games, it is customary for the Australia Communications Authority (ACA) to permit all Aussie amateurs to use the "AX" prefix on Australia Day - January 26th each year. If you chase WPX prefixes and need this one, there should be quite a few VKs using the AX prefix on that date. Tony adds, "When I can confirm details I will send the exact times, sometimes its the whole weekend, sometimes (last few years) just the 26th only."

CE0X, SAN AMBROSIO ISLAND (Update). Marco, CE6TBN, Team Leader for the CE0XT DXpedition to San Ambrosio Island during the second week in February, reports that the team will use the following suggested frequencies:

The 6 Meters Beacon will be on 50.105 MHz. It will repeat every 30-45 seconds. The team states that "they will probably listen on the same frequency, using the squelch of the rig to cut the noise down. When a signal break the squelch, that is a sign to get someone onto the 6 meter rig and begin making QSOs. We probably will run the beacon at 50 watts so that the rig doesn't get hot." A new team member was added. Mike Mraz, N6MZ, will replace Mario, CE6NE. Mike has been active from many locations, such as: 9M6OO (Spratly group) 1999, 9M6AAC 1999, BV0DX 1999, KH9/N6MZ 1998, ZK1XXP 1997, (Expedition of the Year at Dayton 1998) VK0IR Heard Island 1997, (Expedition of the Year at Dayton 1997) TO0R (FR5) 1997, FT5XL 1997, VR2WO 1997 and CQWW/CW SV5/N6MZ 1993. The following pilot stations have been chosen for the CE0XT operation:

DXpedition Web page for updates and info is: http://www.qsl.net/ce0xt/

CQ MAGAZINE INTRODUCES "The CQ Millennium Award".......... CQ magazine is introducing a special operating award for the year 2001 to mark the start of the new millennium. "The CQ Millennium Award" recognizes anyone who meets the minimum requirements for any of CQ's four permanent operating awards, minus the QSL cards, during calendar year 2001. Hams and short wave listeners may qualify for "The CQ Millennium Award" in one of the following four ways during the calendar year 2001 (0000z, January 1, 2001 to 2359z, December 31, 2001):

  1. Work stations in 500 U.S. counties -- The basic level for the USA-CA Award
  2. Work 100 countries -- The basic criterion for the CQ DX Award
  3. Work one station in each of the 40 CQ zones -- The Worked All Zones basic qualification.
  4. Work either 400 prefixes mixed-mode or 300 prefixes single mode (CW or SSB only), as required for the CQ WPX Award.

Applications should include log extracts showing the information required by the standard award rules, in the format required by the standard award rules, plus a 6 USD processing fee (12 USD outside the US). ADDED NOTE: There will be special recognition for those who qualify on the basis of more than one award program's requirements. Full details are published on page 15 in the January, 2001, issue of CQ magazine. For rules and forms go to the CQ website: http://www.cq-amateur-radio.com/

D6, COMOROS. Josep/EA3BT and Nuria/EA3WL became active from here on Saturday, around 1530z, as D68BT and D68WL. However, information from their pilot station state that upon the duo's arrival, it was raining cats and dogs and they only could build the 3 element beam for 10-15-20 meters and had only 1 station active running only 100 watts. By the time you read this, they hope to build the 40-80 and 6 meters antennas and have the second station active. Their suggested frequencies are:

In order to receive feedback from the DX community, the following pilot stations have been selected. You can get in touch with each pilot of your area/zone:

Periodically information will be sent through the main DX reflectors. Remember that the logs will be posted daily, along with additional information and pictures posted by Xavier, EA3BHK, at the following web page: http://www.qsl.net/ea3bt/

D68C, COMOROS DXPEDITION. Don, G3XTT, from the "Five Star DXers Association", has sent out another huge press release (Bulletin #4) stating the forthcoming D68C DXpedition to the Comoros (active from about 8th to 28th February) is less than four weeks to go! This press release brings you the latest news, including some information about the technical innovations they will be using on the trip, and news of a series of awards for working D68C. So, their suggested operating frequencies:

Also remember that they will be working the main satellites. The D68C Web Page continues to be updated with the latest news. To remind everyone, the URL is: http://www.dxbands.com/comoros/ The complete press release will be sent to all OPDX InterNet Subscribers as an addtional bulletin.

DX HOLIDAY WEB SITE (The Ultimate Dxpediton Resource!). The following Web site offers a starting point for people looking for a QTH for a DXpedition, Contest Expedition, or IOTA Expedition!. The site lists Rena-a-QTH, Ham Friendly Villas, Radio Clubs, etc. There is information on places to operate from over 100 countries, with additional DXpedition resource information covering: Picking your DX destination, licensing, travel documentation and money matters, health, emergency , weather issues, announcing your DXpedition, equipment packing tips and many other topics. Check it out at: http://pages.prodigy.net/k2kw/qthlist/

EZ21, TURKMENISTAN (Attention Prefix Hunters!). Start looking for amateurs in this country to use the special prefix EZ21 to commemorate the new Millennium. EZ21BO was spotted on 10112 kHz around 2100z and EZ21A around 14242 and 14266 kHz after 0230z.

IOTA NEWS.......

J2, DJIBOUTI. "The 59(9) DX Report" reports to look for David, F5THR (ex-6W1AE, TL8CD), to be active from here as J28EX until January 2002. Activity will be on 160-10 meters. He is going to have a 4 element beam up for 6 meters. QSL via FB1BON: Patrick Brochet, P.O. Box 522, 85305 Challans CX, France.

KH9, WAKE ISLAND (also V7). Look for Bruce, AC4G, to be active as AC4G/KH9 from here February 9-27th. Activity will be on all bands with an attempt on 6 meters if he can get an antenna up in time. Reportedly, Bruce already has antennas on the island and will be using a Yaesu FT-847 for SSB and CW. He will be working on the island and will operate only during his spare time. He has plans to participate in the ARRL CW DX Contest and the CQ WW SSB 160 Contest. QSL via AC4G: Bruce Smith, 1056 Old Railroad Bed Road, Taft, TN 38488.

KH0, MARIANA ISLANDS. Look for JQ1NGT and JI1EFP to be active as KH0/JI1EFP and KH0/JQ1NGT from Saipan between February 16-19th. Activity will be on 160-6 meters on CW and SSB. The two operators plan to participate in the ARRL CW DX Contest either as Single Op or as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via JQ1NGT: Kenji Sekine, 3-4-7 Honcyo, Fukiage,369-0115 JAPAN.

OH0, ALAND ISLANDS. The Aland Islands contest station OH0Z will be active on both modes in the ARRL DX Contest as a single-op/all bands entry. Pasi, OH1MM, will operate the station on CW and Ari, OH1EH, on SSB. QSLs via OH1EH: Ari Korhonen, Kreetalank. 9 A 1, FIN29200 Harjavalta, Finland. For more info on the OH0Z station, check the Web page: http://www.qsl.net/oh0z/

QSL INFO AND NEWS.............

R1, ANTARCTICA. Look for Nick, UA3YH, to be active as R1ANM from the Amundsen-Scott Base starting on/around January 15th through February 15th. R1ANW, Mirny: the operator after Wally's departure will be Slava Vasilkov. Slava worked as RX1OX/FJL from Franz-Joseph-Land before. He is a good CW operator. QSL should be via DL6YET.

SPECIAL EVENT. Bob "Whitey" Doherty, K1VV, President of the Marconi Radio Club, W1AA, informs OPDX that the Marconi Radio Club will celebrate the 98th Anniversary of Guglielmo Marconi's First Transatlantic Radio Transmission between Cape Cod Massachusetts and England. The Marconi Radio Club will operate from Cape Cod using the call sign W1AA/CC. "CC" was Marconi's first call sign for his transatlantic Cape Cod Station long before the existence of the FCC and issuing of call signs. The Marconi Radio Club will operate two High Frequency amateur radio stations on CW and Phone and one on 2 meter FM. Hours of planned operation are from 1200z through 2200z, January 18, 2001 on the 20 through 10 meter bands. DX stations QSL via the W1 Bureau and W/K stations to the W1AA Callbook address with an S.A.S.E. Operation will be from a former Coast Guard Life Boat Station close to the original 1903 Marconi Transatlantic Radio Station site within the National Sea Shore Park, as almost all of the original 1903 Marconi station site has been carried away by beach erosion. Look at the W1AA web page for photos of the site and additional information at: http://personal.tmlp.com/k1vv/w1aa/event2001.html

SPECIAL EVENT. Look for special event station "W3I" to be active from Mount Airy, MD (30 miles North of Washington, DC), on January 20, 2001 (1400-2400z). Activity is to celebrate the 54th U.S. Presidential Inauguration. Suggested frequencies are [+/-]: 7.240, 14.240, 21.320, 28.420, 50.140 and 144.140 MHz. For QSL card, send your QSL and SASE to: MADRAS, P.O. Box 2468, Wheaton, MD 20902 or via bureau to W3LEO.

SPECIAL EVENT. Be looking for the "Challenger Middle School ARC", KI6YG, in San Diego, CA, to be active January 28th, from 1430-2400z. This activity is to commemorating the 15th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Challenger Tragedy. Suggested frequencies are: 14.250, 21.350, 28.350, 146.52 MHz. QSL to: Challenger Middle School ARC, 10810 Parkdale Ave, San Diego, CA, 92126.

V7, MARSHALL ISLAND. Bruce, AC4G, will be active from Kwajalein Island as V73CW before going to Wake Island (see KH9 above). This will be during the last week of January. Activity should be on all bands. QSL via AC4G: Bruce Smith, 1056 Old Railroad Bed Road, Taft, TN 38488.

VU, INDIA. According to Jose, VU2JOS, the VU stations can operate on 30 meters until 1830z January 31, 2001. OPDX found the following stations active on 30 meters:

YV, VENEZUELA. Rick, W0IS, will be going on a mini-DXpedition here at the end of the month. Look for activity from Caracas beginning late Friday evening, January 26th. He will travel on Saturday for one day and expects to be active for one night from Los Roques (SA-035). Look for him to be on the air Sunday, January 28th, probably around 0400-1000z. Activity will probably be somewhere near 7040 CW or 7075 SSB. Feel free to call him on CW even if he is on SSB, and he states that he will be glad to switch over to CW to give you a report. He will just be using a dipole. He believes his callsign will be YV5/W0IS, although he is not positive on the number. Please QSL to his home address or via the W0 bureau.

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