DX Bulletin 9 ARLD009
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT February 13, 1997
To all radio amateurs
ARLD009 DX news
This week's bulletin was made possible with info provided by Tedd, KB8NW, the OPDX Bulletin, the 599Rpt, Dennis, K7BV, Jack, W1WEF, the DXNL, the Yankee Clipper Contest Club PacketCluster Network, and Contest Corral from QST. Thanks to all.
UGANDA, 5X. Gus, 5X1D, is QRV from here, and can usually be found on 6 and 2 meters. QSL via SM0BFJ.
GHANA, 9G. Steve, PA3GBQ, is QRV as 9G5BQ until early March. Lately, he has been found on 3514 kHz starting at 2200z and was heard as late as 2345z. QSL to PA3GBQ.
MINAMI TORISHIMA, JD1. JG8NQJ/JD1 will be here until April 23. His activity will be limited due to his work schedule, however. Look for him on 40 through 10 meters from 0100 to 0200z, 0600 to 0700z, 0930 to 1100z and 1300z. QSL via Susumu Sanada, 5 4 Shin ei, Toyohira, Sapporo 004, Japan.
ARUBA, P4. Look for P40W to be QRV in the ARRL DX CW Contest as a Single Op, High Power, All Band entry. Check 160 and 80 meters on the hour or half hour.
NETHERLANDS ANTILLES, PJ2. Jack, W1WEF, and John, W1BIH, will be QRV as PJ9C from Curacao as a Multi/Single entry in the ARRL DX CW Contest. Before and after the contest, look for PJ9/W1WEF. QSL PJ9C via K1CPJ. QSL PJ9/W1WEF direct.
ST. KITTS, V4. Alex, W2OX, will be QRV as V47KP from February 13 to early March. He will also be active in the ARRL DX CW and SSB, and CQ WW 160 Meter SSB, Contests. QSL via K2SB.
MICRONESIA, V6. Sam, V63KU, is very active on 20 meters SSB and is usually QRV for a few hours between 14175 and 14200 kHz starting around 2100z. QSL via JA6NL, PO Box 1679, Truk Lagun, Micronesia.
BURKINA FASO, XT. Dan, XT2DP, has been QRV on 80 meters around 3795 kHz at 2000z. QSL via WB2YQH. XT2AR is also QRV from Ouagadougou, and will be here until February 26. QSL via W4BYG.
CAMBODIA, XU. Robert, KE2FB, works at the US Embassy and is active as XU2FB on 80 through 10 meters. He uses CW, SSB and RTTY. He can also be found on 10 meter FM. QSL via N4JR.
QSL ROUTE CORRECTION. It was mistakenly reported in ARRL DX Bulletin ARLD008 that K7BV's zip code was 98704. The correct zip code is 89704.
THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The ARRL International DX CW Contest, the YL/OM Contest, and the School Club Roundup should keep you busy this weekend. Please see February QST, page 103 for details.