DX Bulletin 46 ARLD046
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT November 19, 1998
To all radio amateurs
ARLD046 DX news
This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by Tedd, KB8NW, the OPDX Bulletin, VU2MB, QRZ DX, DXNL, The Daily DX and Contest Corral from QST. Thanks to all.
BARBADOS, 8P. John, K4BAI, will be active as 8P9HT on all bands with an emphasis on 160, 30, 17 and 12 meters from November 24 to December 1. An entry in the CQ World Wide Contest is also expected. QSL to home call.
GHANA, 9G. Members G3ZEM, G4ZVJ and G3VMW of the Voodoo Contest Group will be active as 9G5ZM, 9G5VJ and 9G5SW, respectively, until November 21, and again from December 1 to 6. QSL to home calls.
AMSTERDAM ISLAND, FT/Z. Eric and Mehdi are QRV now from Reunion Island as FR/F5SIH and FR/F5PFP, respectively. They will sign FT5ZH from Amsterdam, probably beginning November 24. QSL via operator's instructions.
NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS, KH0. Hirotada, JA0SC, is active as KH0/JA0SC until November 22. He plans to be mainly on SSTV, with some CW on 160 to 10 meters. QSL to home call.
COSTA RICA, TI. Several TE45 Special Event Stations are active on all bands and modes to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the Radio Club de Costa Rica. Operations will continue until December 6. QSL via TI0RC.
ANTIGUA, V2. David, G6QQ, will be active mainly on 20 to 10 meters CW as V2/G6QQ until December 2. QSL to home call.
INDIA, VU. The Amateur Radio Society Of India has requested that India amateurs use a special prefix to mark the Diamond Jubilee of Ham Radio in India. All radio amateurs in India can use AT2 and AT3 prefixes until December 31, 1998.
MACAO, XX9. XX9AS has been QRV on 20 meters around 1300z. This is just warm-up activity before the CQ World Wide Contest. QSL via OH2PM.
MYANMAR, XZ. Members of the Central Arizona DX Association, along with other amateurs, will be QRV as XZ1N from Yangon from November 21 to December 6. CW, SSB and RTTY operations on 160 to 10 meters, including the newer bands are expected. Entries in the CQ World Wide CW and ARRL 160 Meter contests are also expected. QSL via W1XT.
CAYMAN ISLANDS, ZF. Joe, W8GEX, will be active on 40 to 6 meters as ZF2/W8GEX from November 24 to 29. QSL to home call.
THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The ARRL November Phone Sweepstakes, North American Collegiate ARC Championship and the IARU Region 1 160-Meter Contest are all scheduled for this weekend. Please see October QST, page 118, and November QST, page 97, respectively, for details.