DX Bulletin 44 ARLD044
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT September 26, 1996
To all radio amateurs
ARLD044 DX news
This week's bulletin was made possible with info provided by Tedd, KB8NW, The OPDX Bulletin, Chris, G4BUE, The DX News Sheet, Charles, S92SS, the Yankee Clipper Contest Club PacketCluster network and Contest Corral from QST. Thanks to all.
SPRATLY ISLANDS, 1S. Jaan, 9M2JJ, has obtained permission from the Malaysian authorities to operate from Pulau Layang, but with a 9M6 call sign instead of the traditional 9M0 call sign. Jaan has filed another application, referencing the previous 9M0A and 9M0S operations and is awaiting a reply.
TUNISIA, 3V. Peter, OK1CZ, should be active as 3V8BB until October 1st. Operations will be on all bands, but mostly CW. He will try working 160 meters on 1826 and 1828 kHz. Also check 6 meters on 50.120 MHz and 2 meters on 144.050 MHz. QSL to callbook address.
UGANDA, 5X. Peter, ON6TT/5X1T, reports Gus, 5X1D, has been active on 160 meters on 1823 kHz between 0230z and 0330z.
MOROCCO, CN. Andy, DL2GGA, will be here October 15 to 24, and plans to be active from the club station CN8MC, but probably using his own CN call sign which has not been issued yet. He will try to be active on all HF bands, CW only. QSL via DL2GGA bureau is preferred, but urgent requests via 95/96 CBA.
MYANMAR, XZ. Warren, KF7AY, has announced in a press release that XZ1N will be active in a well organized, large-scale operation by members of the Central Arizona DX Association from November 16 to 25, 1996. This will be an all-mode operation and will even feature a special event station during the official opening ceremonies of ''Visit Myanmar Year, 1996.'' Participants are AB6ZV, AA7WP, JA1BK, K5VT, KC5AYR, N6BT, WA6CDR, KF7AY, N7NG, N7WTU, NZ7E, OH2BH, WA7LNW and WY7K.
SYRIA, YK. Look for YK1B from September 28 to October 7. Details on this operation are very slim, but it was reported that this group will put an emphasis on 160 meters. QSL via DL8HCZ.
SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE, S9. Charles, S92SS, has resumed operations on 160 meters on Friday and Saturday evenings when possible, between 2230 and 0300 UTC. He will be active until June 1997.
PORTUGAL, CS. Special station CS5P is going to be active from October 5 to 7 on 80 through 10 meters. Operators are CT1EXE, CT1EZI and CT1AXS. QSL to CT1AXS.
QSL MANAGER NOTES. Dick, WA4WIP, reports that he is no longer the QSL Manager for the following stations. Please send QSLs direct until further notice, J88BS, J88BD, J88AR, J88I, V13AB, KP4CD, KP2N, J69AI, NP2E, NP2GM, V31AB.
THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. For details on the CQ WW RTTY Contest and Scandinavian Activity Contest, phone, see page 104 in September QST.