DX-NL 1008 - 20/8/1996
DX News Letter
Editor: Uwe, DL9GOA
translated into English by:
3DA0 - SWAZILAND Dave, WJ2O, Sam, ZS6BRZ, and Andre, ZS6WPX, plan to be QRV mostly in SSB on 160m-10m from October 25-28.
3V8 - TUNISIA Eddie, W6/G0AZT, plans a stay at the clubstation 3V8BB from October 9-13. He wants to work mostly in RTTY on 80m-10m. QSL direct only via W6/G0AZT.
CY0 - SABLE ISLAND There will be another chance to work this DXCC from October 22-29. This time there will be Murray, WA4DAN, together wwith KW2P, AA4VK, V73C and VK2BEX who will activate this island also during the SSB WWDX Contest.
J3 - GRENADA Sigi, DL7DF (ex DL7UUO), intends to be active from here with DL7BO and DJ6TF between September 30 and October 13. The group will use two complete HF stations including an amplifier. Besides other antennas they will use also a Titanex vertical (used also by VK9CR/ VK9XY). Activity will be in CW/SSB/RTTY on 160m-10m.
J8 - ST. VINCENT Buzz, N5FTR, will be on the air as J8/N5FTR (perhaps also with a J8 call) from September 2-7. The activity will take place mostly in SSB. Buzz askss for some patience concerning CW QSOs since he just reactivates this mode. QSL via CBA.
KG4 - GUANTANAMO BAY Larry, WB6VGI, will be once again QRV as KG4ML for 2 weeks starting on September 10. He will be active mostly on the WARC bands but if asked he will make also QSY. QSL via his callbook address.
XY - MYANMAR There are rumours that Kan, JA1BK, Martti, OH2BH, and Warren, KF7AY will stay in Yangon starting on August 23. It is not sure yet if an operation is planned or if they have a licence.
TIME CALL DX-NL Aug/96 3D2AG/P 1001 10.8. - 22.8. WB9PTN/KH6 1006 10.8. - 1.9. V63CO 1003 13.8. - 25.8. FJ/I4ALU 1004 14.8. - 20.8. ZK1XO (I5JHW) 1003 14.8. - 21.8. 7J1AYK/JD1 1004 18.8. - 25.8. KH4 1001 18.8. - 2.9. TK/F2YT 1006 18.8. - 8.9. 5R (F6AJA) 1006 21.8. - 29.8. FO (I5JHW) 1003 mid of Aug/96 J5 (KC9IM) 1000 22.8. - 3.9. D6 (DL's) 993/1003 24.8. - 31.8. HB0 (DL's) 1004 29.8. - 2.9. S92DW 1004 end of Aug/96 A5 (OKDXF) 1001 2.9. - 7.9. J8/N5FTR 1008 3.9. - 11.9. FH (DL's) 993/1003 10.9. - 2 weeks KG4ML 1008 14.9. - 21.9. OH0/DL6UAA 1006 30.9. -13.10. J3 (DL's) 1008 9.10.-13.10. 3V8 (W6/G0AZT) 1008 9.10.-19.10. FO0SUC 1007 22.10.-29.10. WA4DAN/CY0 1008 25.10.-28.10 3DA0 1008
160m A45ZN 1832 0030 CE8EIO 1837 0400 FM5BH 1829 0415 V29RSD 1832 0045 80m 7Q7RM 3505 1945 9K2MU 3793 2320 via WA4JTK 9G1YR 3793 0505 A45ZN 3502 1930 CX4SS 3507 2340 FM5BH 3794 0345 EM1KA 3504 2155 via 9H3UP 40m 5N0T 7053 2235 7X5JF 7078 2250 HJ0VGJ 7007 0405 7J1AYK/JD1 7005 2000 via W5VSZ JW/DJ3KR 7004 2100 TR8XX 7002 0645 TT8SP 7005 2035 TU2XZ 7015 2255 30m 7J1AYK/JD1 10103 2115 FJ/I4ALU 10102 2200 via I4ALU TT8SP 10102 2135 AA9KH/VP9 10121 0555 ZD8DEZ 10101 1930 20m 3D2PN 14030 0615 via OH5UQ 7P8/G4FUI 14024 1715 8P6KY 14210 2025 AP2JZB 14019 2000 C21NJ 14200 0815 FJ/I4ALU 14013 2015 HP1AC 14008 2215 7J1YAK/JD1 14192 1455 SU1GS 14220 1815 TY1IJ 14052 1835 AH4/AH0W 14029 0700 AH4/AH0W 14195 0415 XT2DP 14223 2005 V73C 14035 0735 ZK1AND 14243 0705 17m A45ZN 18142 1450 CE8EIO 18161 1915 FJ/I4ALU 18073 2110 Z21CS 18158 1730 ZS8IR 18080 0755 via ZS6EZ 15m 9U5DX 21295 1445 D44BS 21232 1755 HI9/I4LCK 21260 2035 via I4LCK 12m KP2J 24898 1955 TI4CF 24950 2200 TT8SP 24900 1655 10m 5N0T 28472 1800 via F2YT ZP9RF 28484 1835
7P8/G4FUI became active like scheduled and will stay until the beginning of December. After 7P8SR went QRT he is a welcome station on the bands
AH4/AH0W is the call of the large scale DXpedition to Midway Island which started like scheduled on August 18. Though the signals were good in Europe before noon (SSB 14195 Khz, CW 14029 kHz) they were very difficult to copy in the afternoon. The same occurred with the KH4/ NH6D DXpedition. If the conds and the discipline in Europe are fine many OMs should make their QSO/QSOs. QSL for AH4/AH0W via KE7LZ.
ZG2 Once again the prefix ZG2 may be used in Gibraltar this year from September 3-10. Reason for that is the national holiday in ZB2. Since there will be a higher activity some OMs may work some new bandpoints.
IOTA DL2RNS and DL2VFR will activate the island Greifswalder Oie on September 14/15. For the IOTA award this island belongs to the Ruegen Archipel (EU-157) but it counts separately for the German Island award (O-012). They will work mostly in CW using a TS50 and perhaps also with a QRP station (HW9).
SU-DX-NET For friends of DX nets there is a new net fridays and saturdays at 1500 UTC on 14220 kHz. SU1ER, SU1SK, SU1GS and SU3AM are some of the stations which are checking in regularly.
arrived directly: 9L/DJ6SI, AA1BU/KP2, 9N1HP, 5N3/SP5XAR
5V7HR/5V7ML: Roy, DL7UBA, announces that the QSLs for these calls will be printed in September. Please QRX!
LU6Z: The QSLs of the South Orkney Dxpedition should be mailed directly and also via the bureau since about three weeks.
VP8CWI: is the call of Sergej, RW0LBW, since the mid of July. Sergej is the first Russian operator on the Falkland Islands. QSL via: POBox 559, Port Stanley, Falkland Islands (via Great Britain ?)