DX-MB 1025 - 16/12/1996
DX News Letter
Editor: Uwe, DL9GOA
translated into English by Bob, DL7VOA
(Internet: robert@wirtschaft.tu-ilmenau.de)
(packet radio: DB0ERF.#THR.DEU.EU)
V6 - MICRONESIA Tack, JE1SCJ, Kazu, JA0VSH, and his XYL Miyuki intend to become QRV from Pohnpei Island (OC-010) from December 28 till January 1, 1997. The announced calls were V63YT, V63KZ and V63MP and the planned activities will be on 160-10m (160m on 1823.5 kHz). They will use two stations, one 500 watts amplifier, a 3 ele beam and an inverted L antenna for 160m/80m/40m. QSL via homecalls.
7O - YEMEN Like announced in DX-NL 1024 here is more information about the 7O activity. Franz, DJ9ZB, and Zorro, JH1AJT, accepted a surprising invitation of the Yemeni government to demonstrate amateur radio in Aden. After their re-unification the Yemeni government is possibly thinking about a new introduction of amateur radio to their coun- try. All previous 1996 7O activities were without legal documents. Since they both did not know if and under which circumstances they could become QRV they did not announce this activity in advance. However they hit the airwaves in SSB only on most of the HF bands using the callsign 7O1A. Since their amplifier and some of the antenna parts were mislead they are still working with 100 watts until they picked up their equipment from the Sana airport. Until yet they have no licence for CW and RTTY. These modes shall be activated during another later activity. 7O1A will be on the air until December 21. QSL via JH1AJT.
P5 - NORTH KOREA JH1AHT and JH4RHF were introducing local operators to amateur radio during a Japanese-North Korean friendship mission lasting from October 22-26. It seems as if the North Koreans are interested to organize an amateur radio activity from P5 on their own.
TIME CALL DX-NL Nov/96-Apr/97 HP (F2JD) 1020 Nov/96-Dec/96 PZ5HP (JA1OEM) 1020 Dec/96 R1AND 1024 Dec/96 VP8sh (SP3GVX) 1024 12.12.-17.12. 8P9GE/8P9GD 1023 15.12.-21.12. 7O1A 1025 16.12.- 3.1. JA8FCG/JD1 1023 18.12.-27.12. 9K2F 1025 19.12.- 1.1. 8Q7YV/8Q7YN 1024 21.12.-2 weeks TI9CF 1023 23.12.-25.12. JD (JA's) 1022 24.12./27.12. T32BB/T31BB 1024 28.12.- 1.1. V6 (JA's) 1015 29.12.- 12.1. 6Y (I5JHW) 1024 30.12.- 12.1. CU8/DL3KUD 1021 13.1.- 19.1. CU2/DL3KUD 1021 13.1.- 27.1. VK0IR 1016 14.1.- 21.1. T32HA 1023 17.1.- 17.2. HS0/DL2FDK 1024 from Feb/97 FT5ZG 1020
160m 5X4F 1826 2155 9U5CW 1822 2205 A92GD 1828 1645 S79MX 1830 2355 via HB9MX VQ9QM 1824 0000 ZS6UT 1826 0235 80m 3B8CF 3507 2140 9M2AX 3505 2310 AP2N 3796 1455 D44BC 3793 0605 JY9QJ 3780 1925 via DL5MBY V29SW 3799 0745 V31YK 3505 0545 40m 3W5RS 7004 1635 5A1A 7048 1805 6W1AE 7005 1745 7O1A 7053 2100 9U5CW 7007 2210 CV2Z 7003 0655 IOTA SA-030 FK8GM 7050 2000 HS50A 7012 1630 TK8/F5JKK 7055 2005 30m 8P9GE 10113 2125 9M2AX 10103 2355 ET3BN 10108 1625 KP2J 10103 2100 via CBA PZ5HP 10101 2035 via JA1OEM ZS8IR 10115 2115 via ZS6EZ ZK1DI 10104 0600 via DK1RV 20m 3B8/F5PYI 14195 1510 7O1A 14195 1635 G3XAQ/6Y5 14022 1245 C21NJ 14242 0800 DH2JD/HI3 14272 1505 JA5SEY/HP3 14007 2115 UA3YH/KC4 14158 2140 P29VR 14240 1155 V31MP 14084 1400 via W5ZPA YJ8AA 14264 0740 17m 7O1A 18140 1125 9Y4NW 18138 1305 ET3KV 18069 1120 TU4FF 18073 0830 via OH8SR ZF2DR 18135 1345 15m 3B8/F5PYI 21295 1440 7O1A 21295 1115 ET3KV 21130 1025 S79MX 21025 1035 V31KR 21292 1515 via K5KR 12m nil 10m 5X4F 28495 1045 9J2BO 28026 1115 via W6ORD
PY0sp PS7KM and frients plan to activate St. Peter&Paul Rocks (PY0) in the same time schedule like the VK0IR activity in 1997.
VK9w The newly founded Oceania Radio DX Group (ODXG) plans to become QRV from Willis Island (VK9W) in 1997 and from Macquarie Island in 1998 or 1999.
IOTA A group of the Kuwait Amateur Radio Society wants to become active from Faylaka Island (AS-118) using the call 9K2F from Dec. 18-27. QSL via 9K2HN. - New IOTA reference numbers: OC-217 Kangean Island by YB3SPS/P OC-218 Matthew Island by FK5M
arrived directly: VK9XM (via JA1BK), T30BH und 3D2RW (via ZL1AMO), ZS8IR (via ZS6EZ)
8R1K: WWDX-CW via OH6DO, (new) Marko Myllymaki, Mehtokuja 10 B 3, SF-63700 Ahtari, Finland
PZ5HP: JA1OEM, Shinichi Toyofuku, PO Box 9, Sawara Post Office 287, Japan
JA5SEY/HP3: QSLs are arriving quickly via JF2UED, Tetsuro Imai, 277 Shimo- kobi, Kobi, Minokamo City, Gifu 505, Japan.
TNX for information to OPDX, INSIDE DX, 425 DXNEWS, DXPRESS, GOLIST, DL6GV, JDN, LNDX, 59(9) DXreport, DL7VOA, DL1SBF, DF3KT and others.
Like previously announced the DX-MB/DX-NL 1025 is the last issue edited by me. It is also the last issue for 1996 since the DARC headquarter is closed from Christmas till next year. It is not yet fixed who the next editor will be since there are several applicants, hi...
At his point I'd like to thank all those who supported me while being the editor of the DX-MB/DX-NL. Special thanks are going to the editors of the other bulletins and to all the DXpeditioners for sending their information in advance. I would like to thank also Bob, DL7VOA, and Axel, DL6KVA (4K0CW), for their continous and reliable work for the DX-MB/DX-NL.
Last not least I wish all DX enthusiasts out there a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 1997 with many interesting DX!
Uwe, DL9GOA (editor)
NOTE: Although I don't know yet who the new editor of the DX-NL will be I will continue to translate the DX-Newsletter and to spread it via packet radio and internet in 1997. - Bob, DL7VOA