DX News Letter 1159
August 9, 1999

DX-NL 1159 - August 9, 1999
DX News Letter
Editor: Michael, DJ5AV

(e-mail: mikeoerter.dj5av@t-online.de)

translated into English by Bob, DL7VOA
(e-mail: robster@bigfoot.de)


FK - NEW CALEDONIA Jacques, FK/F6BUM, is on the air from OC-032 in CW and SSB from Aug 9-21. Afterwards he will stay on Ouvea until Aug 24, on Lifou Island till Aug 30, on Mare till Sep 2 and on Les Pins (all OC-033) until Sep 3. QSL via F6BUM.

KH3 - JOHNSTON ISLAND Bill, NH6D/KH3, is QRV again from Aug 9-13 (see DXNL 1156). He has only antennae for 10/15/20/30m yet but still tries to convince the locals that lowband antennae and birds don't trouble each other.. QSL via N6FF. Log will be available on: http://dx.qsl.net/logs/.

V6 - MICRONESIA Peter, V63PD, is now the only local radio amateur on Chuuk (former Truk) Island (OC-011). He is QRV on 40/30/20/17/15/12/10m. QSL via VK4AAR. Check also: http://www.qsl.net/v63pd/.

YJ - VANUATU Masayoshi, JE1DXC/YJ0AXC, will go to rare Banks Island (OC-104) from Aug 12-16. He will operate in CW/SSB on 20/17/15/12m with 100w and dipoles. QSL direct only via JE1DXC.


5H - TANZANIA Terry, W7RNF, is QRV as 5H8TL for the next years. This is the first time the prefix 5H8 is used on the bands. QSL via W7RNF.

9G - GHANA 9G1OO fixed his transceiver now. QSL via PA3ERA, bureau or direct.


J3 - GRENADA Bill, J3/G0STR, is active working QRP CW on 7030 and 14060 kHz from 0000-0500 UTC between Aug 12 and 25. QSL via G0STR.

PY0F - FERNANDO DE NORONHA Fred, PY7ZZ, is very active now signing PY0FZ from the shack of PY0FF during his spare time. QSL via PY7ZZ.

V2 - ANTIGUA Darrell, AB2E, is QRV again as V26E druing the WAE CW Contest and from Aug 11-17. Outside of the contest he works WARC and 160m. QSL via AB2E.

V4 - ST CHRISTOPHER AND NEVIS The Dutch team of PA3EWP, PA5ET, PA4EA, PA4WM, PA3GCV and PA7FM received their calls for NA-104 from Aug 11-18: V47WP,V47ET,V47EA, V47WM, V47CV, V47FM. QSL via buro to PA5ET or direct: Rob Snieder, van Leeuwenstraat 137, NL-2273VS Voorburg, The Netherlands.

YS - EL SALVADOR From Aug 16-23 a team from EA and YS will repair the digital net which was destroyed by hurricane "Mitch". They intend to operate in CW/SSB/RTTY on 6-160m signing HU4U. QSL via EA4URE.


7O - YEMEN The International Amateur Radio Volunteer Organisation (IARV) originally should put up a telecommunication network in the Kosovo refugee camps but due to the peaceful situation there nine members (including JA1UT) went to Yemen to put up some telecommunication facilities in some distant hospitals from Aug 5-19. They intend to donate some amateur radio equipment to the government to open the country for amateru radio in general.

BY - CHINA David, BA4DW, states, that BY4CCM is a clubstation on Chongming Island (AS-136). They can be found often on 21260 kHz with a 7 ele beam for 15m. QSL via buro or direct: Box 150-602, Shanghai, China.

HZ - SAUDI ARABIA The members and friends of the clubstation HZ1AB meet themselves every first Friday of the month. Manfred, DF1IK, Thomas, SM0CXU, and others are very active the days before and after that date. QSL via K8PYD, ok also via bureau.

OD - LEBANON Murtada is QRV mostly in CW signing OD5/9K2MU. QSL via WA4JTK.


3A - MONACO Patrice, 3A/F5RBB, will operate on 10/15/20/40m from Aug 23-28. QSL via F5RBB.

CT3 - MADEIRA Ben, CT3/DJ8FW, will be active especially in PSK during the morning and evening hours from Aug 12-20. If there is bad weather he will work also in CW during the day.

EA6 - BALEARICS The Radio Club Mallorca is on the air with two stations from Na Galera Island (EU-004; in JM19IM) signing ED6EIG mostly in SSB on 2-80m from Aug 13-15. QSL via EA6VC.

ES - ESTONIA Commemorating the first QSOs with the prefix ES, Estonian stations may use the prefix ES75 in August. A special event station ES75M is on the air from Muhu Island (EU-034). QSLs via homecalls.

GU - GUERNSEY Bob, G3VXJ, is QRV as GU3VXJ/p mostly on 160m and WARC until mid August. QSL via G3VXJ.

SV - GREECE SV8/SM7BCX, SV8/SM7DXQ, SV8/SM7EQL, SV8/ SM7GIB and SV8/SM7MPM are active in SSB/CW from Santorini (EU-067) from Aug 9-15. QSLs via homecalls. --- YL Nilay, TA3YJ, and Berkin, TA3J, are QRV from Athens (SV1) and Khios Island (SV8, EU-049) on 160/80/40/20/15/10m SSB and 2m/70cm from Aug 12-17. QSLs via bureau to their homecalls or their CBAs.


WAEDC CONTEST CW: Aug 14, 0000 UTC until Aug 15, 2400 UTC. Bands: 10-80m. Exchange: RST+QSO number. QTCs are sent from DX to Europe!


DATE            CALL           DXNL

Aug 23-Aug 28   3A/F5RBB       1159 *
Sep 14-Sep 24   3C0R           1152
Aug 19-Aug 23   3D2  (CX3AN)   1158
1999  -2000     3W7TK          1148
NOW             5H8TL          1159 *
SOON ?          7O   (JA1UT)   1159 *
NOW AGAIN       9G1OO          1159 *
Jul/99-Sep/99   9J   (F2CW)    1157
Jul 12-2002 ?   9V1XE          1157

1999  -2001     A92GJ          1143
NOW             BY4CCM         1159 *
Aug 12-Aug 20   CT3/DJ8FW      1159 *
Mar/99-2001     E4/G3WQU       1140
Aug 13-Aug 15   ED6EIG         1159 *
Aug 1 -Aug 31   ES75..         1159 *
Aug 9 -Sep 5    FK/F6BUM       1159 *
Jan/99-Dec/99   FT5YG          1128, 1140
Jan/99-Dec/99   FT5ZJ          1128
      -Aug      GU3VXJ/p       1159 *
NOW   -2000     HK3JBR         1128, 1144
Aug 16-Aug 23   HU4U           1159 *
Aug 12-Aug 25   J3/G0STR       1159 *
Aug 5 -Aug 20   J48QEI         1158
Aug 9 -Aug 15   JW/DF6VI etc   1158
Aug 9 -Aug 13   NH6D/KH3       1159 *

Jul 20-Aug 20   OA/KQ6XA       1155
NOW             OD5/9K2MU      1159 *
Aug 2 -Aug 20   OH0/DJ7ST      1158
Aug 7 -Aug 31   P29VHX         1158
NOW             PY0FZ          1159 *
Aug 12-Aug 17   SV1,SV8 (TAs)  1159 *
Aug 9 -Aug 15   SV8/SM7BCX etc 1159 *
Sep 23-Oct 3    T31T,K,YL      1153, 1158
NOW   -2000     UN/DL4BBU      1155
Aug 11-Aug 17   V26E           1159 *
Aug 11-Aug 18   V47WP etc      1158, 1159 *
NOW             V63PD          1159 *
NOW   -2001     V73CW          1158
Aug 18-Aug 25   VP2E/ (PAs)    1158
NOW   -Aug 15   XU7AAS         1157
NOW             XW8INH         1156
Aug 12-Aug 16   YJ0AXC         1159 *
NOW   -Aug 15   YS9/KE4LWT     1146, 1150
Aug 2 -Aug 12   ZF2JM          1158
Aug 7 -Aug 19   ZK1  (CX3AN)   1158
Aug 4 -Aug 31   ZK1SCQ,SCR     1145
Oct 7 -Oct 12   ZK3DX,CW,YL    1153, 1158
Aug 23-Aug 25   ZL   (CX3AN)   1158
Sep 2S-Sep 6    ZS6/DL7DST     1158

"NEW": 1159 *

Bandspots of the last 7 days

   PJ7/PA3EWP  1829  0324Z via PA5ET, bureau

   P43P        3797  2345Z via P43ARC, bureau
   PJ7/PA4EA   3503  0315Z via PA5ET, bureau
   PY0FZ       3795  0508Z via PY7ZZ, direct
   YB2PBX      3505  2035Z via W3HNK, also bureau

   FM5GJ       7006  0531Z
   PY0FZ       7050  0440Z via PY7ZZ, direct
   ZP5CGL      7060  0008Z via bureau

   5H3RK      10104  2150Z via Box 9274, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
   K0JGH/C6   10103  0542Z
   PJ7/PA5ET  10101  0236Z via bureau

   3D2TC      14211  0540Z see DXNL 1133
   DX1DX      14220  1833Z via DU1SAN, bureau
   FO5QG      14122  0700Z via XE1L, direct
   HC2KB/HC8  14248  0614Z via JL3MCM
   R1ANZ      14219  0904Z via UW1ZC, bureau
   V73GT      14017  0448Z via WF5T, also bureau
   YJ0AFL     14194  0654Z via VK4FL
   ZD8V       14267  0413Z via KF4OOX
   ZK1/CX4CR  14193  0803Z OC-013
   ZL4IR      14258  0609Z via W8WC, direct

   9V1XE      18074  1839Z via DL4DBR, bureau
   HK0VGJ     18075  2124Z via Box 852, Isla de San Andres, Colombia
   JW/DL3NRV  18074  0701Z via DL3NRV, bureau
   P29VHX     18145  0553Z via DJ9HX, bureau
   PJ7/PA5ET  18087  1415Z via PA5ET, bureau
   V73CW      18070  2000Z via AC4G, bureau
   VR2DXA     18069  1741Z
   XU7AAS     18073  1634Z see DXNL 1157
   ZD9BV      18078  1741Z via W4FRU,auch bureau
   ZK1MGS     18076  0718Z via JJ8DEN

   3W6KS      21270  1537Z via JA8VE, bureau
   8J1RL      21277  1504Z via JA bureau/JA9BOH
   C21RK      21257  1425Z via CBA
   P29VHX     21017  1213Z via DJ9HX, bureau
   V63EC      21022  1306Z via JK1FNN
   XV7TH      21200  1339Z via SK7AX, bureau
   XW8INH     21025  1548Z via JM1GYQ, bureau
   YJ8RN      21365  2043Z via N9DRU
   ZK1MGS     21087  0916Z via JJ8DEN

   3W6HM      24897  1009Z via JF1OCQ, bureau
   8Q7TB      24945  1155Z via G3TBK
   9V1YC      24897  1719Z via AA5BT, bureau
   FS/PA7FM   24949  1624Z via PA5ET, bureau
   FY5FU      24951  1400Z via F5PAC, bureau
   HZ1AB      24945  1139Z via K8PYD, bureau
   JD1BIA/JD1 24945  0634Z via CBA
   PJ7/PA5ET  24896  1449Z via PA5ET, bureau
   PY0FZ      24940  0926Z via PY7ZZ, direct
   VU3CMV     24954  1040Z via ON7LX, bureau
   YK1AO      24900  1324Z via Box 245, Damaskus, Syria

   3B9FR      28030  0643Z see DXNL 1146
   5R8FU      28495  1435Z via SM4DJZ
   5Z4IC      28485  1521Z via MW0AIE
   8J1RL      28483  1307Z via JA bureau
   5X1P       28024  1529Z via G3MRC, bureau
   CP6XE      28498  1459Z via IK6SNR, bureau
   XX9TRR     28026  0828Z via N6XJ
   YW7C       28495  1627Z via W4SO, bureau


QSL Routes

The annual meeting of the EUDXF and the DX meeting will take place on Aug 28, 1400 o'clock local time at the DNAT in Bad Bentheim/Germany. DF8AN offers a QSL service for XW8KPL and 3W6AN and a slide show. All DXer are welcome to check in. More details at: http://www.eudxf.de

QSLs arrived buro: FM/EA3WL (EA3BT), IE9/IN3XUG, PT7WA/PY6, YC0ROY (YB0JIV)

QSLs arrived direct: 4S7AB, 7X2LS, CE0AA, R1FJL (UA3AGS)