DX-NL 975 - 8/1/1996
DX News Letter
Editor: Uwe, DL9GOA
translated into English by:
KH4: Bill, NH6D, will be on the air as NH6D/KH4 for two weeks starting February 15. QSL via KL7H/W6.
ZL8: Like announced before a group of ZL operators plans to activate Raoul Island (which belongs to Kermadec) in May 1996. The multi band and multi mode activity will last for 11 days. ZL2DX, ZL2TT, ZL2AL, ZL2HU and WA3YVN want to put Kermadec off the most wanted countries list using the call ZL8RI. They are still looking for another operator as a replacement for Ron, ZL1AMO, who will not participate in this DXpedition. The estimated costs of this trip to ZL8 are some 25.000 US-$. Please send your donations to the following address: The Kermadec DX Association, c/o Mr. Ken Holdom, P.O.Box 56099, Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand.
J6: Walter, DL2SDS, will be active as J6/DL2SDS from St. Lucia from March 9-23. His equipment consists of a IC-706 and wire GPs. Walter plans to be active especially in CW on 40m-10m. QSL via homecall.
KP2: Gerald, WP2/K9BG, and Bob, WP2/KS9W, are QRV since January 3. They are active in CW/RTTY until January 10.
V3: Mike, NG7S, and Art, NN7A, will be QRV from Turneffe Isl. (NA-123) as V31RL and V31JZ from February 3-7. From February 9-14 Mike and Art will use the same calls to work from South Water Caye (NA-180) where they will be joined by KG6VI (V31VI).
FR: Albert, F6EDF (ex FR7AK), wanted to be QRV either as FR5AK or as FR/F6EDF only on 20m (14190 kHz, up5) from January 1-19.
FT5W/X/Z: FR5HR will depart by ship heading for Crozet on February 12. The passage will last 8 to 10 days and after that he wants to activate also the Kerguelen and St. Paul/Amsterdam.
TIME CALL DX-NL Nov/95 - Nov/96 FT5XL 959 18.11. - Nov/96 VK0WH 970 10.12. - Feb/96 LU6Z 973 14.12. - Feb/97 FT5WF/FT5WE 959/971 30.12. - 14.1. A71AN/DL9FCQ 963 31.12. - 15.1. 9G5BQ 973 1.1. - 19.1. FR (F6EDF) 975 3.1. - 10.1. WP2 (W's) 975 5.1. - 1.4. PJ9JT 974 9.1. - ??? T31DP 974 9.1. - 24.1. HK0/DF4UW 972 13.1. - 16.1. KC6 (JA's) 973 16.1. - 6.2. DF5WA/HI8 974 20.1. - ??? 8P9DX 974 22.1. - 29.1. P49I 974 24.1. - 31.1. KH9 (W's) 972 25.1. - 1.2. 3D2/JI3CEY 974 3.2. - 7.2. V3 (NA-123) 975 4.2. - 13.2. VK9XY 974 9.2. - 14.2. V3 (NA-180) 975 9.2. - 23.2. J6/DL2SDS 975 14.2. - 23.2. VK9CR 974 15.2. - 2 weeks NH6D/KH4 975 End of February FT5W/X/Z 975 May/96 ZL8RI 975
160m 5N0MVE 1830 2245 via ON7LX 5X4F 1824 2320 via KB4EKY 9M2AX 1827 2300 FG5BG 1828 0650 R1FJZ 1823 0700 via DF7RX SV2ASP/A 1841 1715 80m 5N0T 3800 2040 via F2YT 8P9EM 3507 0030 via G3VBL FR/JA3JM 3501 2125 via JA3JM HZ1AB 3502 1540 via K8PYD T32BB 3798 0505 40m 5H1HW 7010 2135 via I5JHW 5N0MVE 7062 2205 7X4AN 7001 2045 via DJ2BW 9L1PG 7003 2300 via NW8F 9V1YC 7008 1545 via AA5BT FT5WE 7005 1910 via F5GTW J28DE 7005 1715 via F2WS OD5NJ 7060 2245 T30DP/T31 7004 1700 via VK4CRR LU6Z 7007 0425 via LU6EF XU6WV 7007 1625 30m 5N0/OK1MU 10101 2000 via OK1DCH 9G5BQ 10102 1845 via PA3GBQ 9Q5MRC 10108 1815 via G3MRC S92SS 10108 2145 T30DP/T31 10101 1045 wfwl LU6Z 10122 2320 ZK1ATV 10102 0910 via LA1TV 20m 3B8CF 14087 1410 RTTY 3V8BB 14237 1445 via JF2EZA 5H1HW 14025 2005 5N9KWO 14184 1430 via WB8QFB 5Z4BZ 14251 1340 via F5IBZ 9L1PG 14010 1335 9M2JJ 14006 1055 via SM0OEK A92GD 14087 1415 via K1SE WP2/K9BG 14001 1125 via K9BG LU6Z 14007 0600 17m 8R1AK/p 18145 1755 9G5BQ 18075 0930 A45ZN 18069 0920 W4NXE/DU3 18077 0855 LU6Z 18080 0930 15m 4S7/SM7DYZ 21003 0940 via SM7DYZ 5H1HW 21280 1335 9J2BO 21029 1430 via W6ORD WP2/KS9W 21085 1755 via KS9W S79MX 21017 1435 via HB9MX LU6Z 21020 1215 12m 3DA0CA 24900 1450 via W4DR 5X4F 24901 1200 10m nil
KP4 Ruben, DL4VCR (ex JY8CR), tries to be active as KP4CR in March. Starting on April 7 he plans to be on the air with a XE2-call.
Silent Key Sid, VK2SG, editor of the RTTY DX notes became a silent attack at the age of 76 due to a heart attack. Sid hold the RTTY-DXCC no. 1 in VK.
T30DP/T31 This station has been spotted on several bands since January 2. T30DP announced to be active as T31DP on 20 meters only starting on January 9. T30DP/T31 was QRV on 40m, 30m, 20m and 17m, always with a good signal and (like some OMs state) from a completely different antenna direction. So be aware that this could possibly be the activity of a slim. Work first, worry later!
160m The CQWWDX-160m-Contest will take place on January 26-28. W0CD, K8GG and W8UVZ will take part as PJ9Z (QSL via W8UVZ). - XU6WV (OP VS6WV) wants to improve his 40m/80m antenna and tries to match it on 160 meters. - Rolf, XV7SW, has new inverted L antennas for 80 and 160 meters. - V85HG announced to be QRV outside of the Japan International DX Contest on 1820-1825 kHz. QSL via JH7FQK. - 9X4WW will be QRV on the lowbands with a power amplifier by the end of January.
ZA5B is Gary, ZA1NG, who was QRV earlier as TL8NG. His very reliable QSL manager is still WA1ECA.
arrived directly: 7P8SR, 9J2SZ, V73C, 7X4AN, KP2A, FM5WD, VP5/AI5P
arrived via buro: 9K2/SP5CPE, 9V1YJ, 9V1ZG, J37T, FM/JH4NMT, J28FX, OD5PL,
8R1K: QSLs for the WWDX-SSB-Contests 93/94 and for the WWDX-SSB/CW 95 are handled by the operator OH6DO. QSLs which were sent by mistake to OH1VL will be answered, too.
CY0TP: VE1CBK states that the QSLs for this call are printed now and are in the mail by mid January.
9J2BO: W6ORD, (new address), Norman E. Freedman, 96 Palomino Circle, Palm Desert, CA 92211-3212, USA