DX Newsletter 986: March 19, 1996

DX-NL 986 - 19/3/1996
DX News Letter
Editor: Uwe, DL9GOA
translated into English by:


FK - NEW CALEDONIA Eric, FK8GM, will participate in the WPX-SSB-Contest (March 30/31) using the call FK5DX. QSL via WB2RAJ.

KH2 - GUAM JH6RTO will take part in the JIDX-Contest signing AH0AV/KH2 from April 11-14. Before and after the contest he will work mainly on 17 meters. QSL via homecall.


J3 - GRENADA Joe, WB8GEX will be on the air as J3K on 160m-10m from April 5-12.

TI - COSTA RICA Joe, AA8HV, is active as TI/AA8HV on all HF bands using 100 watts and wire antennas from March 19-26. QSL via homecall.


5R - MADAGASCAR Gerard, F2JD, is QRV as 5R8EN using only a longwire but this will be changed in the near future. QSLs for all activities of F2JD are handled by F6AJA.

9G - GHANA Joe, N1OCS, stays there on a business trip until March 24. He tries to become active on the usual DX frequencies.

S0 - WESTERN SAHARA Eddie, EA3NY, plans to participate in the WPX-SSB-Contest possibly using a special prefix. After the erection of a small tower and several monobanders he wants to be QRV with a FT-990 on March 27. He thinks about putting up a WARC dipole after the contest and perhaps he will work also in RTTY and CW.


9H - MALTA Win, DK9IP, wants to work as 9H0DX during the WPX-SSB-Contest. He will be active between March 27 and April 4. Before and after the contest he will sign 9H3WK.

OJ0 - MARKET REEF A Finnish group plans a short activity from March 22-24. They will use the callsigns OH0MB (via OH0RJ), OJ0/OH2KI and OJ0/OH1VR (both via homecalls) running a FT-1000 into simple antennas for 80m-10m. They said that the 160 meter dipole is already on the reef.


TIME           CALL           DX-NL

 9.2. - June   PY0TI          980
20.2. -  2.4.  9M8CC          980
22.2. - 23.3.  EA8/DJ0LC/p    979
 8.3. - 28.3.  FT/W/X/Z       975/984
 9.3. - 17.4.  4S7BRG         981
12.3. - 24.3.  9G    (N1OCS)  986
14.3. - 26.3.  9M8AD/9M8MH    982
15.3. - 30.3.  KH0/KN6AH      984
16.3. -  4.4.  A3    (LA9GY)  985
19.3. - 26.3.  TI/AA8HV       986
22.3. - 24.3.  OJ0   (OH's)   986
22.3. - 10.4.  5B4/DL8KWS     985
23.3. - 25.3.  VK9XH          981
26.3. -  2.4.  TF    (ON's)   982
27.3. -  ???   S0    (EA3NY)  986
27.3. -  4.4.  9H    (DK9IP)  986
27.3. -  7.4.  J56CK/DY       982/985
29.3. - 12.4.  ZD7VJ          982
30.3. - 31.3.  FK5DX (WPX)    986
 5.4. - 12.4.  J3K            986
11.4. - 14.4.  AH0AV/KH2      986
   May/96      FR5HG/G        984
   May/96      ZL8RI          978
May/96-July/97 ZS8IR          984
17.5. - 31.5.  9H3TY/9H3TZ    982

Bandspots of the last 7 days

   4S7RPG      1833  2045
   8P9CL       1823  2255
   VK9NS       1832  1845

   9K2/YO9HP   3502  2125 via YO9HP
   C56CW       3505  2120 via DL7DF
   FP5CJ       3760  2055 via F6FNU
   KH0/XE2T    3795  2005 via JH1AJT

   4S7BRG      7045  1805 via HB9BRM
   5R8EN       7045  1825 via F6AJA
   8Q7PM       7067  1850
   9M8MH       7005  1815 via DL3ABL
   9U/EA1FH    7022  2205 via EA1FFC
   C56DX       7044  2020 via DL7DF
   P4/WA2HNA   7016  0630 via WA2HNA
   JW/SM0AGD   7004  1920 via SM0AGD

   9M2TO      10101  1805 via JA0DMV
   9M8MH      10107  1525
   C56CW      10102  0745
   FT5WE      10100  1855 via F5GTW
   JW/SM0DJZ  10115  1745 via SM0DJZ

   9G1NS      14211  0800 via W3HCW
   9J2AE      14123  1710 via F6FNU
   9K2/KD4ZDP 14170  0715 via KD4ZDP
   9M8AD      14260  1730 via DL3ABL
   9N1HA      14214  1530
   JW/SM0AGD  14075  1215 RTTY
   KG4MN      14147  1910 via WB2RAJ
   ST1AP      14270  1555 via I0LCJ
   VP8CSA     14264  1600 via DL1SDN
   XT2DP      14189  1805 via WB2YQH
   ZF1UK      14145  2125 via G3PHR

   5R8EN      18074  0710
   9M8MH      18071  0710
   9U/F5FHI   18075  0740 via F2VX
   VP2EKM     18114  1825 via VE3CME
   VP2MBO     18131  1815 via W9PTO
   XU1FL      18156  1315 via I8KUT

   7Q7EH      21009  1315 via W1EH
   FT5WF      21259  1005 via F5SZK
   S01M       21240  1555 via EA7EL
   TG9NX      21273  1544 via KZ8Y
   EM1KA      21005  1505
   VQ9XX      21031  0925 via K6OZL

   5R8EN      24949  1255
   5X4F       24953  1325 via KB3EKY
   C56CW      24895  1155
   D2/YO9CWY  24954  1705 via YO9CWY
   J28PP      24897  1215 via F5PWH
   YI9CW      24895  1240

   9J2FR      28507  1500 via I2ZZU
   H5ANX/A25  28485  1105
   C56CW      28025  1255
   VP8CSA     28485  1445


H5 The homeland Bophuthatswana is now a part of the Republic South Africa. Therefore the H5 prefix will be QRV only until the end of the year. H5 does not count for DXCC but for the WPX and the All Africa award.

KH4 NH6D/KH4 will be QRV for two weeks sometime in April 1996. This island will be abandoned by the military in 1997.

TT8FT There were several wrong addresses of Frank Turek, DL7FT, published by different sources. DL7FT is not a member of the German Amateur Radio Club DARC and therefore answers only direct QSLs with some green stamps enclosed. Anybody who is interested in QSLs of DL7FT should send them to: DL7FT, Frank Turek, Box 1421, D-14004 Berlin, Germany.

XZ1N After the XZ1R DXpedition XZ1N is the second activity which had to be cancelled due to the reasons written in DX-NL 982. It seems that there will be no more amateur radio in Myanmar until the discrepancies between the military and several ministries were eliminated.

ZD8 Jim Neiger, N6TJ, will be QRV again as ZD8Z from April 16-24. He promise to be active on the usual DX frequencies but especially on 14160 kHz (2000 UTC) and 21250 kHZ (1900 UTC). QSL via VE3HO.

AFRICA Dieter, DJ3CP, writes that ST1AP who works for the UN will be QRV for another four weeks. Bernd, DK3LQ/6W1, belongs to the German embassy in Dakar and will be in 5T (Mauritania) starting March 23. He further writes that Sigi, DJ4IJ, will be QRV once again as TY1IJ some time this year. QSL via DK8ZD.

WANTED the edition number 001 or other early editions of the German DX-MB! Who can help?


arrived directly: TA4ZM, 3C1EA, HK0ER, JW0K, CN8TM, S92PI, JX9ZP, TI9JJP

ST1AP: I0LCJ, Box 10312, Roma, Italy

J3X: WB8GEX, Joe Pater, 1894 Old Oxford Road, Hamilton, OH 45013, USA