DX-NL 989 - 8/4/1996
DX News Letter
Editor: Uwe, DL9GOA
translated into English by:
9M2 - WEST MALAYSIA Steve, G4JVG, plans to be QRV from Pinang Island (AS-015) in SSB on 10m-80m using the call 9M2/G4JVG between April 23 and May 5.
V7 - MARSHALL ISLANDS WW1V plans to be active as V73W mostly in SSB and seldom in CW from May 2-14. QSL via homecall.
ZK1, VK, ZL, A3, 5W, KH6 - SOUTH PACIFIC TRIP Michael, DF8AN, will start for a long South Pacific trip in the mid of April. His schedule looks like this:
April 11-18 Rarotonga/South CookMichael holds also licences from Fiji (3D2MN) and American Samoa (KH8/DF8AN). If there are some favorable connecting flights he will activate these islands, too. The calls for 5W and ZK1 are not sure yet. Michael plans to work with 100 watts and wire antennas mostly in CW on the usual DX frequencies.
April 4-27 Australia (VK2IFB)
April 27-May 3 New Zealand (ZL/DF8AN)
May 3- 8 Tonga (A35MN)
May 8-13 Apia/Western Samoa
May 14 Hawaii (KH6/DF8AN)
3V8BB - TUNISIA After the activity of Hrane, YT1AD, during the WPX SSB Contest and the CW activity of DF2UU and others there are now OK1TN, OK2ZZ and OK1GB from the OK-DX-Foundation (OKDXF) activating this clubstation from April 3-12. Due to the number of different activities from 3V8BB you should ask for the correct QSL route of the specific QSO.
A6 - UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Peter, OK1CZ, works as A61AF from April 11-16. He is QRV on the HF bands (also 160m) daily between 1300 and 2100 UTC. QSL via OK1CZ.
8P - BARBADOS Dave, VE3VET, and Joe, VE3BW, will be on the air as 8P9IJ and 8P9IK on 10m to 160m from April 20-27. QSL via homecalls.
ZB2 - GIBRALTAR G3RFX is QRV as ZB2FX between April 10 and May 1. QSL via homecall.
TIME CALL DX-NL 9.3. - 17.4. 4S7BRG 981 29.3. - 12.4. ZD7VJ 982 3.4. - 12.4. 3V8BB (OKDXF) 989 5.4. - 12.4. J3K 986 6.4. - 11.4. VK9XM 988 10.4. - 1.5. ZB2FX 989 11.4. - 14.4. AH0AV/KH2 986 11.4. - 14.4. KH0/JM4HNS 988 11.4. - 16.4. A61AF (OK1CZ) 989 11.4. - 18.4. ZK1 (DF8AN) 989 14.4. - 24.4. 3V8BB (XE2CQ) 987 20.4. - 27.4. 8P9IJ/8P9IK 989 21.4. - 10.5. HC8 (DL's) 988 23.4. - 5.5. 9M2/G4JVG 989 4.4. - 6.5. 8P9IR/8P9IU 987/988 Apr/95-Oct/95 JX7DFA 988 2.5. - 14.5. V73W 989 3.5. - 8.5. A35MN 989 8.5. - 13.5. 5W (DF8AN) 989 10.5. - 20.5. ZB2 (DL's) 988 May/96 FR5HG/G 984 4.5. - 14.5. ZL8RI 978/989 May/96-July/97 ZS8IR 984 17.5. - 31.5. 9H3TY/9H3TZ 982 12.1. - 28.1.97 VK0 (Heard) 987
160m 3V8BB 1824 0345 via OKDXF D44BC 1840 0335 S02R 1836 2055 via EA2JG TT8P 1835 2240 via IK5JAN 80m 4S7BRG 3798 1920 via HB9BRM J28JA 3503 2205 via F5PWH J56CK 3505 2355 via I4LCK S0A 3503 2210 via EA2JG EM1KA 3506 0355 via 9H3UP ZD7VJ 3503 2155 via G4ZVJ 40m 9M2JJ 7007 1600 via SM0OEK 9N1HP 7008 1640 via JA1OEM JA5SEY/HP3 7008 2245 J56DY 7042 2055 via IK4SDY PJ2/OH6XY 7002 0425 via OH3GZ PY0TI 7063 2055 via PY1UP S02R 7071 2015 TJ1GD 7062 2000 via SP9CLQ VK9XM 7003 1715 via JA1BK VK0WH 7008 0645 via VK9NS ZD7VJ 7007 1815 30m JH3JYS/6Y5 10109 2210 via JH3JYS 9M2TO 10101 1715 via JA0DMV FT5WE 10108 1700 via F5GTW JW5HE 10100 1625 via OZ8RO PY0TI 10108 2155 ZD7VJ 10101 1945 20m 3V8BB 14018 1050 5R8EN 14001 1715 via F6AJA 5V7BC 14132 1740 via F5KPG 5W1MH 14245 0740 via G6DPU J56DY 14260 1220 AH8A 14243 0625 via W6OSP S02R 14195 0900 ST1AP 14208 1840 via I0LCJ ZD7VJ 14027 2145 17m J56CK 18073 1450 JX9ZP 18122 1625 S0A 18072 1850 V21CW 18070 1150 via KA2DIV YJ0ABS 18137 0815 via DL2GAC ZD7VJ 18077 1755 15m A92GD 21225 1005 via K1SE J56DY 21260 1215 TR0B 21002 1445 via F6FNU ZD7VJ 21027 1615 12m 9J2SZ 24897 1235 via SP8DIP J56CK 24900 1215 OA4CWR 24890 1825 ZD7VJ 24896 1235 10m 9L1PG 28450 1930 via NW8F VP8CSA 28474 1720 via DL1SDN ZD7VJ 28027 1305
6W Didier, F5OGL, will be on the air from Dakar for two years starting in July 1996. He intends to be active on all bands from 10m-160m in CW/SSB/RTTY and will also try to activate the neighboring countries (e.g. 5T and C5). QSL via F6KEQ.
JW JW5HE (via OZ8RO), JW6RHA (via LA6RHA) and JW9THA (via LA9THA) are already on the air. They prefer to work in CW on 40m (7015 kHz) and and 20m (14020 kHz) until April 15.
ZD7VJ Andy, G4ZVJ, became QRV like announced and showed up on all bands. Lucky OMs catched him on the lowbands and in the afternoons also on 10m and 12m.
ZL8RI It is a great pleasure for all CW operators to hear that Peter, ZL3GQ, is a new member of the Kermadec Island DXpedition. The crew will depart from New Zealand on April 30. The DXpedition goal is to log 40.000 QSOs. Due to the high transportation costs (25.000 US-$) they appreciate any donations via Ken, ZL2HU, who will also handle the QSL cards of ZL8RI.
arrived directly: SU2MT, TU4SR, XF3/OH3JF
arrived via bureau: 5N0MVE, ZF8BS, D68TA, J6AFT, A35ZB, J79AA, D68GA, T30RE,
Besides of the address published in DX-NL 988 Tom, 9A2AJ, has also this address: Tomislav Polak, 9A2AJ, PO Box 613, 1000 Zagreb, Croatia.
DF8AN: Michael Noertemann, Amselstieg 4, D-38226 Salzgitter, Germany
GU/DF1AL: NEU: DF1AL, Juergen Weidemann, Kuedinghovener Strasse 142, D-53227 Bonn, Germany
OKDXF: OK-DX Foundation, P.O. Box 73, 293 06 Bradlec, Czech Republic
ZL8RI: ZL2HU, Ken Holdom, P.O. Box 56099, Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand