DX Newsletter 999: June 14, 1996

DX-NL 999 - 14/6/1996
DX News Letter
Editor: Uwe, DL9GOA


translated into English by:


SOUTH PACIFIC Ted (K8AQM), Jeff (N8CC), Brian (KG8CO), Kurt (KG8DS) and Dave (KB8ECG) are on an island hopping trip during July. Their schedule looks as this:

July 1- 4 Majuro (V7) (N8CC, K8AQM)
July 4- 7 Ponape (V6) (N8CC, K8AQM
July 7- 9 Truck (V6) (as V63CF, V63CK)
July 10-12 Palau (KC6) (N8CC, K8AQM as KC6BP, KC6JJ)
July 13-17 Japan (JA) (N8CC, K8AQM and KG8DS as 7J3Y?)
July 17-19 Maui (KH6) (N8CC, K8AQM as NH6/, KH6..?)
July 19-24 Ofu (KH8) (as NH8/N8CC, KH8/K8AQM, KH8/KG8CO, KH8/KG8DS, KH8/KB8ECG)
July 24-29 Apia (5W) (5W0JB (N8CC), 5W0TR (K8AQM), 5W0? (KG8DS), 5W0BS (KG8CO), 5W0? (KB8ECG))
The team will be active on all bands (especially 160m-30m), modes, in RTTY contests and in the IOTA contest. QSL via AA8HZ.

JD1 - MINAMI TORISHIMA JG8NQJ/JD1 will be the call of JG8NQJ for three months starting on July 15. QSL via LA8CJY.

9M8 - EASTERN MALAYSIA 9M8BC (via HL5AP) and 9M8HIM (via 9M8HN) were spotted since May 30. By the time you read this HL5AP is working as V85AP. Both will be QRV until June 19.


9H - MALTA The crowd of HAM tourists to this island never ends. PA0JR (9H3WH), PA0BEA (9H3IE), PA3BIZ (9H3ON), PA0TPM (9H3TD), PE1NZA (9H3TE), PA3CRA (9H3UJ), PA3DES (9H3UK) and PA3EPV (9H3WA) will be on the air between June 23 and July 6. The eight OPs will be active on all HF bands from 80m-10m and on VHF/UHF (including staellites). The group will check into a Dutch net on 14180 and 18140 kHz from 1900- 2100 UTC. QSLs via bureau or direct to the homecalls or via PI4KGL.


TIME           CALL           DX-NL

May/96-Dec/96  ZD8DEZ         990
May/96-Jul/97  ZS8IR          984/992
 for 3 years   KH8/N5OLS      998
22.5. - 21.6.  9H3II          993
30.5. - 19.6.  9M8../V85AP    999
 3.6. - 18.6.  5V7HR/5V7ML    994
 6.6. - 20.6.  SV5/DL8SET     994
 7.6. - 20.6.  9H3SS          995
 7.6. -  2.9.  4S7BRG         996
13.6. - 29.6.  PA3ERL/6Y5     993
14.6. - 26.6.  VP8SG          998
18.6. -  3.7.  CY0AA          990
20.6. -  4.7.  SV5/DL9UDS     996
23.6. - 30.6.  9N    (KV5V)   995
23.6. -  6.7.  9H    (PA's)   999
28.6. - 30.6.  HAMRADIO       998
28.6. -  1.7.  GJ3RTE/GJ3SWH  997
 1.7. - 29.7.  V7/V6/KC6/JA/KH6/KH8/5W  (W's)  999
13.7. - 20.7.  HB0   (F's)    996
14.7. - 27.7.  HB0   (DL's)   996
15.7. -Oct/96  JG8NQJ/JD1     999
18.7. -  1.8.  5B4/DL5MX      996
22.7. -  9.8.  9H3UD/9H3UF    996
24.7. - 26.7.  HL0C/4         997

Bandspots of the last 5 days

   5V7ML       1823  0000 via DL7ALM
   9U5CW       1823  2250 via EA1FFC
   CX2CB       1840  0305
   PY5CC       1833  0155
   TJ1RA       1840  0010 via I2EOW

   3V8BB       3791  2150
   5V7HR       3790  2310 via DL7UBA
   9J2BO       3504  2205 via W6ORD
   9U5CW       3505  2135
   ZS8IR       3795  2035 via ZS6EZ

   5N3/SP5XAR  7002  2205 via SP5CPR
   5V7HR       7005  2255
   9U5CW       7003  2135
   VP2EY       7045  2120 via HB9SL

   5V7ML      10101  2040
   C6AGH      10104  2240
   FG5XC      10101  2120
   PJ2AM      10102  2250
   PY0FF      10108  2105 via W9VA
   EM1U       10100  1945 via 9H3UP

   3V8BB      14197  2015
   5V7HR      14085  1655 RTTY
   W4JKC/6Y5  14247  2355 via W4JKC
   8R1Z       14275  2045
   9G1YR      14275  1955
   9N1RHM     14130  1825
   A61AF      14012  1355
   BY0AA      14023  1725
   C21TT      14222  0825
   FO5JR      14010  1010
   HP1XBH     14082  2300 RTTY
   WH6ASW/KH2 14032  2135
   KH6CF      14005  0700
   KS6DV      14250  0610 (KH8)
   TT8BP      14184  1615 via IK5JAN
   V85AP      14010  1600 via HL5AP
   XT2MM      14195  1915 via OH8SR
   YK/VE3MJQ  14256  1655

   5B4/DL5MAE 18072  1910 via DL5MAE
   5R8EN      18077  1235 via F6AJA
   5T5DB      18119  1930 via TU2EW
   5V7HR      18072  1730
   8Q7QQ      18140  1250 via HB9QQ

   5A1A       21219  2005
   5H3ES      21209  1955
   5V7ML      21205  1635
   TJ1GD      21271  1845

   5V7HR      24907  1820
   ZD8DEZ     24891  1810 via G0DEZ

   5N0FPK     28489  1905
   5V7HR      28025  1900
   9G1MR      28503  1900
   AP2JZB     28480  1505


KH5/KH5K There are rumours from Hawaii that somebody is planning a large DXpedition to Palmyra/Jarvis Island and Kingman Reef. One of the major problems is to get a landing permit for Kingman Reef.

P5 Like mentioned before Sanyi, HA7VK (XU7VK, XU95HA), stays at the Hungarian embassy in North Korea. He had several meetings with North Korean officials and said that there is no way to get an amateur radio licence in P5 in the moment.

IOTA A group of 16 YV operators will activate Los Roques Island (SA-035) during the Venezuelan Marine Day. The operation will be in CW/SSB/ RTTY, satellite, VHF, packet, 2m and 6m and lasts from July 18-21. The call will be 4M5LR. QSL via WS4E.


arrived directly: D68SE, TT8NU, 3B9FR (via F6FNU), ZC4EE, J56CK, R1FJZ,TK2C

JA1WPX states that many QSLs got lost in the JARL bureau between 1991 and 1994. If somebody is still waiting for a QSL he shall ask for a new one. Unfortunately JA1WPX cannot answer all cards via the bureau because he has to pay 45 US-$ per year for each DX call he used. Therefore he handles the cards for 8Q7WP, KC6WP, T32WP, V73WP and YJ0AWP direct only with an SASE included (Remember: 1 US-$ is not enough for return postage from JA. Include either 2 US-$ or 1 IRC). However he still manages the QSL cards for KH2/JA1WPX, KH8/JA1WPX, FK/JA1WPX, FW/JA1WPX and C21/JA1WPX via the bureau. Furthermore he writes that FW/JA1WPX was active only in May 1995. All other QSOs were made by a pirate.

V29SW has a new address: Wolfgang Stock, PO Box W170, Woods Centre - St. John's, Antigua. He is QRV on 40m and 80m starting at 2330 UTC and makes also skeds via e-mail: cm-crc@candw.ag. If somebody still needs a QSL of 9X5SW you can send your request also this address.

VP8CRN: GM4CFS, Glyn Dodwell, 2 Muiton Pl., Kinloss Forres, IV36 0UJ, Scotland

TNX for information to OPDX, INSIDE DX, 425 DXNEWS, DXPRESS, DL7VOA, DF4RD, JDN, TDXB, DXNS, LNDX, DL6KVA, DL6GV, V29SW, AA8U and others.