Go to: INDEX
Command: SHOW/INFO

From the INFO Library : February 1997 Edition : Compiled by K6PBT
The K6PBT InfoBase Library (c) 1990-97 by Chuck Strobel K6PBT, Box 883,
Magalia, CA 95954-0883.  E-mail to K6PBT@cestro.com.

SH/INFO is a source of info for DX Cluster users that may not be handy at
one's fingertips and unavailable for others.  SH/INFO can and does help
with many answers.  Comments, updates welcomed.  Include SH/INFO DATE.

Using the INFO Library commands are quite easy.  Think of a lookup this
way.  To find a bureau address, for example, say SHOW INFORMATION FOR THE
JA BURO.  So you would type SH/INFO JABURO.  Yet another example; let's
say you want to view rules for the WAZ Award.  Here, say SHOW INFORMATION

Other look ups are as easy.  Here's a tip.  Note the "-" and "=" notations
in the SH/INFO main menu?  They indicate whether or not a sub-menu exists.
The "=" notation identifies the topic as having a sub-menu.  The sub-menu
gives additional search keys, ie. SH/INFO ZONES gives more search keys for
searching ZONES.  You'll find that to list the countries in either a CQ or
ITU zone, you would type SH/INFO CQ27 to list CQ Zone 27, or SH/INFO ITU73
to list ITU Zone 73.

The more you use SH/INFO the more you'll be acquainted with ways to quickly
find information.  For a "shorten" topic menu, SH/INFO PDQ.

                          SH/INFO Main Menu

SHow/INFO [topic].  Select topic below.  For help, SH/INFO HELP.  [02/97]
ADDRESS  =DX/Envelopes  | DISTRESS -MAYDAY amp;& SOS  | SCANLAWS =State Laws
AIRPORTS =City Codes    | DXNEWS   -Pubs/News     | SWL      =SWL Guide
AREACODE =Codes/Cities  | DXPROVS  =JA/SP/XE/I/F  | SWR      -SWR/Losses
ARRL     =Main Menu     | FCC      =FCC Adrs/Info | THIRD    -3rd Party Tfc
ARRLFCK  -DXCC FieldCkg | FREQS    =Cordless/CB   | TIMES    -UTC Time Table
ARRLMSG  =Nbrs/Msgs     | GATES    -Truth Tables  | TIMESTNS =Time Stations
ARRLQSL  -Outgo Bureau  | IARU     =Reg Committee | TONES    =DTMF/CTCSS
ARRLQST  =Net-use Qsigs | IRCS     -IRC Info      | TOURINFO -TourOffice Nbrs
ARRLSEC  -Div/Sections  | OBLASTS  -Russia Oblast | USA      =USA Facts/HP's
AWARDS   =Info & Rules  | OSCAR    =Up/Downlinks  | VIDEO    =Display pinouts
BANDS    =Freq Alloc    | POSTAGE  -Postal Rates  | W1AW     =Op Schedule
BUREAUS  =QSL Bureaus   | QSIGNALS =Q Signals     | WWV      =WWV/SFI Terms
COAX     =Cable Specs   | REPORTS  =RST/SINPO/555 | YASME    =Yasme Index
COUNTIES =USA and DX    | ROA      -Reciprocal Op | ZIP      =USPS ZIP Codes
CURRENCY -Rate Exchange | RS232    -DB9/DB25 pins | ZONES    =CQ/ITU Zones

All data in this InfoBase is based on information  believed to be correct
and reliable,  but the accuracy or completeness thereof is not guaranteed.
The user assumes all risks and liability for information used.   All data
and files are subject to changes and updates without notice or obligation.