(A) Single operator: One person performs all operating and logging functions. Use of spotting nets (operator arrangements involving assistance though DX-alerting nets, PacketClusters, etc) is not permitted. Three power-output categories: QRP--5-W output or less; low power--150-W output or less; high power--more than 150-W output
(1) Mixed mode (phone and CW)(B) Multioperator: Single transmitter, mixed mode only. Those obtaining any form of assistance, such as relief operators, loggers or use of spotting nets.
(2) Phone only
(3) CW only
(A) W/VE stations (including KH6/KL7) send signal report and state or province (District of Columbia stations send signal report and DC). Novice and Technician stations sign /N or /T.
(B) DX stations (including KH2/KP4, etc) transmit signal report and serial number starting with 001.
(C) Maritime or aeronautical mobile stations send signal report and ITU Region (1, 2 or 3).
(A) QSO points: Count two points for each complete two-way phone QSO. Count four points for each two-way CW QSO. Count eight points for CW QSOs with US Novice or Technician stations signing /N or /T (28.1 to 28.3 MHz only).
(B) Multipliers: Fifty US states (plus District of Columbia), Canada [NB (VE1), NS (VE1), PEI (VE1 or VY2), PQ (VE2), ON (VE3), MB (VE4), SK (VE5), AB (VE6), BC (VE7), NWT (VE8), YUK (VY1), NF (VO1), LAB (VO2)], DXCC countries (except the US and Canada), ITU regions (maritime and aeronautical mobiles only) per mode (phone and CW).
(C) Final Score: Multiply QSO points by total multipliers (the sum of states/VE provinces/DXCC countries/ITU regions per mode). Example: KR1R works 2245 stations including 1305 phone QSOs, 930 non-Novice CW QSOs, 10 Novices CW QSOs, for a total of 6410 QSO points. He works 49 states, 10 Canadian call areas, 23 DXCC countries and a maritime mobile station in Region 2 on phone and 30 states, 8 Canadian call areas, and 19 DXCC countries on CW for a total multiplier of 140. Final score = 6410 (QSO points) X 140 (multiplier) = 897,400 points.
(A) Call signs and exchange information must be received by each station for a complete QSO.
(B) No cross-mode contacts; CW QSOs must be made below 28.3 MHz.
(C) Single-operator mixed-mode and multioperator stations may work stations once on CW and once on SSB.
(D) Your call sign must indicate your DXCC country (K6LL in Arizona need not send K6LL/7, but K6GSS in Hawaii must send K6GSS/KH6).
(E) One operator may not use more than one call sign from any given location during the contest period.
(F) All entrants may transmit only one signal on the air at any given time.
(G) The use of non-Amateur Radio means of communication (eg, telephone) for the purpose of soliciting a contact (or contacts) during the contest period is inconsistent with the spirit and intent of this announcement.
(H) A transmitter used to contact one or more stations may not subsequently be used under any other call during the contest period (with the exception of family stations).
(I) The frequencies from 28.3 through 28.35 MHz are designated as a noncontest window (This means that stations may not call CQ contest in this window.).
(A) Entries must be postmarked no later than 30 days after the end of the contest (Jan 11, 1996). No late entries can be accepted. Use ARRL 10- Meter Contest forms, a reasonable facsimile, submit your entry on diskette, upload your entry to the ARRL BBS, or send your entry to ARRL HQ via Internet.
(1) Official entry forms are available from HQ for an SASE with 2-units of First-Class postage or 4 IRCs.(B) Logs must indicate band, mode, date, time in UTC, calls and complete exchanges (sent and received), multipliers and QSO points. Multipliers should be marked clearly in the log the first time they are worked. Entries with more than 500 QSOs total must include cross-check sheets (dupe sheets). Send entries to: ARRL Contest Branch, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111.
(2) You may submit your contest entry on diskette in lieu of paper logs. The floppy diskette must be IBM compatible, MS-DOS formatted, 3.5 or 5.25 inch (40 or 80 track). The log information must be in an ASCII file, following the ARRL Suggested Standard File Format, and contain all log exchange information (band, date, time in UTC, call of station worked, exchange sent, exchange received, multipliers [marked the first time worked] and QSO points). One entry per diskette. An official summary sheet or reasonable facsimile with signed contest participation disclaimer is required with all entries.
(3) You may submit your contest entry via the ARRL BBS (203- 665-0090) or via Internet to contest@arrl.org. Send your summary sheet file (Make sure it includes all the pertinent information outlined in the official ARRL summary sheet.) and your log file following the ARRL Suggested Standard File Format.
Phone CQ Contest CQ Contest From Kilo-Alfa-Five-Whiskey-Mike-Juliett KA5WMJ Kilo-Bravo-Seven-November-Mike-Yankee KB7NMY Thank you You're 59 Texas Roger, you're 59 Utah KB7NMY QSL, QRZed KA5-Whiskey-Mike-Juliett --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CW CQ Test CQ Test DE KA5WMJ KA5WMJ/N DE KB7NMY/T KB7NMY/T 599 TX R 599 UT KB7NMY/T R TU KA5WMJ/N QRZ
Have you been reluctant to try CW in the 10-Meter Contest because the code speeds are too high? Now, there is a solution for folks to whom 35 WPM is another word for impossible. A specific band segment has been set aside for slow-speed code up to 10-13 WPM (see the suggested frequecies box below). Now you can participate at code speeds you find comfortable.
Novice and CW Slow Speed CW Phone Novice Phone 28,050-28,080 28,090-28,130 28,550-28,650 28,350-28,400