DX News Letter 1412
November 25, 2004

DX-NL 1412 November 25, 2004
DX News Letter

a free weekly service of
DARC Committee "DX and HF Contesting"

Editor: Karlfried Henrichs, DL1EK
(e-mail: dxmb@darc.de)

translation by: Bob, DL7VOA
(e-mail: dl7voa@darc.de)

DX Announcements

"Contest" as mentioned in this issue relates to the WWDX CW Contest on the upcoming weekend of Nov 27/28, 2004.

AFRICAN ITALY, IG9/IH9 Fabio, IT9GSF, will work as IG9A on 160m from Lampedusa Island (AF-019) during the contest. QSL via IT9GSF. --- Martin, OL5Y, will sign IH9/OL5Y or IH9P from Pantelleria (AF-018). QSL via OK1MG.

ALAND ISLANDS, OH0, EU-002 YL2KL will sign OH0I in the contest. QSL via OH3BHL. --- Ari, OH5DX, will be OH0Z next weekend. QSL via OH5DX. Find more information at: http://www.qsl.net/oh0z --- Toni, OH2UA, plans to participate as OH0B on 40m.

ARUBA, P4, SA-036 P40TA and P40K will be the calls of Ken, K6TA, and Kay, K6KO, between Nov 30 and Dec 21. QSL via WM6A. --- John, W6LD, Rich, N6XI, and Denny, KX7M, will be P40L in the contest. QSL via K5WW.

AUSTRALIA, VK Travis, W5GED, plans to hit the airwaves as VK2GED for three weeks starting on Dec 1. A good chance to catch him will be the Pacific Net 14315 kHz at 0900 UTC. --- The special event station VI3BML is active from Nov 27 until Dec 5. QSL via VK3BML, bureau ok. More info at: http://www.barg.org.au

BAHAMAS, C6 David, OK1DTP, will be active as C6ATP on 80m during the contest. QSL via OK1TD. --- Randy, W6SJ, will sign C6AWS between Nov 26 and Dec 2. You can find him on the WARC bands before and after the contest. QSL via W6SJ.

BARBADOS, 8P, NA-021 Tom, W2SC, will be QRV as 8P5A next weekend. QSL via NN1N.

BELIZE, V3 Art, N3DXX, and Steve, KN5H, will be V31RM in the contest.

BERMUDA, VP9 VP9I will be the callsign of Paul,K1XM, Charlotte,KQ1F, and Ann,WA1S. QSL via KQ1F. Listen for VP9/homecalls prior and after the WWDX CW.

BOLIVIA, CP CP6UH, KM0O, N0AT, N0STL, W0OR and W0ZR will work as CP6CW in the WWDX. QSL via W0ZR.

CANADA, VE AC8W, K8DD and K8MM are signing VO2AAA from Labrador City (CQ zone 2) during the contest. QSL via K8DD. --- The special event station VC9COAL will hit the airwaves from Dec 1-31. QSL via VE9WGS. Check also their website at: http://www.qsl.net/ve9wgs/

CAPE VERDE, D4 Alexander, 4L5A, will be QRV again as D4B in the WWDX CW Contest. QSL via K1BV. Find more information at: http://www.qsl.net/d44tt/

CHAGOS ARCHIPELAGO, VQ9 Roger, W9ROG, is on the air as VQ9OG on 80-10m during his spare time until the end of the year 2004. QSL via homecall.

COCOS KEELING ISLAND, VK9/C Bernd, VK2AI, will be the operator of VK9AA in the WWDX. QSL via DL8YR.

CYPRUS, 5B Alan, 5B4AHJ, will be P3J in the contest. QSL via 5B4AHJ.

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, HI Mike, HI8/GW3UOF, will be QRV on the bands between Nov 28 and Dec 12.

FALKLAND ISLANDS, VP8/F, SA-002 Juergen, DJ2VO, will work in CW with 100 watts from Nov 30 until Dec 10.

FIJI, 3D2 Steve, G0UIH, will be active as 3D2FI from different islands between Nov 28 and Dec 11. QSL via G0UIH.

GALAPAGOS ARCHIPELAGO, HC8, SA-004 Robert, N5KO, Daniel, K1TO, Stephen, K6AW, and Zoli, HA1AG, will sign HC8N in the WWDX CW Contest. QSL via W5UE.

ICELAND, TF JI1NJC and JR2KDN are listening especially for Asia on 1828.5 and 3503 kHz from Nov 25 until Dec 1.

INDIA, VU Binu, VU2NGB, plans to take part in the WWDX as AT0B from Vypin Island. --- OH2KI will sign VU2WAP in the contest.

JAPAN, JA The special event station 8N0SON will hit the airwaves during the Special Olympics World Winter Games in Nagano between Dec 1 and Mar 5. QSL via JF0JYR, bureau ok. Find more info at: http://www.2005sowwg.com

JERSEY, GJ, EU-013 MJ0ASP will be activated by Mat, F5SHQ, on 15m during the WWDX contest. QSL via F5SHQ. --- K2WR, G4BUO, G4IFB and G3SQX will be GJ2A in the contest.

LEBANON, OD DF7TH, DJ5CL, DJ5IW, DL2DVE, DL4RDJ and DL4YAO did not mention call of their contest staion yet.

LESOTHO, 7P Andre, ZS6WPX, will work as 7P8ZZ in the contest next weekend.

LUXEMBOURG, LX LX7I will be the contest callsign of DL4SDW, DL5SEJ, DL8SCG and LX2AJ. Check also their website at: http://www.qsl.net/lx2aj/ --- Les, LX/G3VQO, will take part in the contest as well.

MADEIRA, CT3, AF-014 Ken, CT3/W8LU, is QRV since Nov 22. During the contest he will join the crew of CT9L.

MARTINIQUE, FM Jim, N6TJ, is working as TO4A in the contest. QSL via VE3HO.

MOROCCO, CN Jan, SM2EKM, will participate on 20m only signing CN2KM in the WWDX CW. --- Jim, W7EJ, will sign CN2R next weekend. QSL via W7EJ.

NAMIBIA, V5 Felix, V51/DL5XL, will take part in the contest, too. QSL via DL5XL. Check also his website at: http://www.dl5xl.de

NIGER, 5U The VooDoo Contest Group operators G0MTN, G3PJT, G3SXW, G4BWP, G4PIQ, K5VT, KC7V and N7NG will take part in the WWDX as 5U5Z. QSL via G3SXW.

PUERTO RICO, KP4, NA-099 Barney, DK8ZB, plans to be QRV as WP3F in the contest. QSL via DK8ZB.

SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE, S9 Pekka, OH2TA, Pertti, OH2PM, and Martti, OH2BH, are very active as S9BB since Nov 20. They will sign S9RR during the WWDX. All QSLs via OH2TA. QRGs: CW 1823/1833, 3503, 7003, 10103, 14023, 18073, 21023, 24893 and 28023 kHz; SSB: 3795, 7045, 14195, 18145, 21295, 24945, 28495 kHz.

SENEGAL, 6W Dany, F5CW, is working as 6W7RV from Nov 19-30. QSL via F8CMT. His website is: http://www.le-calao.com

SOMALIA, 6O Baldur, DJ6SI, and Thomas, DL1QW, became active as 6O0W (SSB/RTTY) and 6O0X (CW). Their stay is scheduled to last until Nov 26. QSLs via homecalls.

SOUTH COOK ISLANDS, ZK1/S Mike, W7DRA, is working with QRP signing ZK1DRA from Nov 24 until Dec 5. --- Michel, F6COW, Dominique, F6EPY, and Radi, F6GNZ, are staying on Rarotonga between Nov 24 and Dec 9. They are working in CW/SSB and digital modes on: CW: 3515, 7015, 10118, 14015, 18095, 21015, 24905, 28015 kHz; SSB: 3780, 7075, 14215, 18135, 21215, 24985, 28465 kHz, digital: 7035, 10145, 14085, 21085, 28085 kHz. QSLs via homecalls. find more information at: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/dominique.auprince/ Their next stop will be the Marquesas Islands (FO0/M).

ST PETER AND ST PAUL ROCKS, PY0/S, SA-014 Joca, PS7JN, plans to accompany a scientific expedition from the end of November until the beginning of December 2004.

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, 9Y Bernd, DL6FBL, will activate the station of 9Y4ZC during the WWDX CW.

TUNISIA, 3V DJ7IK will sign 3V8SF/p (most likely only on 20m) from the island of Kerkennah (AF-073) during the contest. QSL via DJ7IK.


Strictly contest activities omitted

DATE         CALL        DXNL

28Nov-11Dec  3D2FI       1412 *
12Nov-06Dec  4K0GNY      1410
14Oct-Apr05  6O0JT       1407
NOW  -26Nov  6O0W/6O0X   1412 *
19Nov-30Nov  6W7RV       1412 *
01Dec-05Mar  8N0SON      1412 *
16Nov-05Dec  9N7BCC      1410
NOW  -Feb05  9U6PM       1400

23Nov-30Nov  C6AKQ       1411
26Nov-02Dec  C6AWS       1412 *
24Nov-30Nov  C91CG..     1411
22Nov-29Nov  CT3/W8LU    1412 *
NOW  -Dec04  EL2PM       1406
NOW  -Mar05  EY/F5NHJ..  1410
NOW  -04Dec  HE3RSI      1410
28Nov-12Dec  HI8/GW3UOF  1412 *

20Nov-30Nov  J73LC       1411
25Nov-29Nov  J79A        1411
NOW  -20Dec  JR6TYH/JD1  1406
NOW  -Apr05  JW4SNA      1408
NOW  -05Mar  KC4/N3SIG   1410
01Nov 15Dec  KC4AAA      1409
01Jun-31Dec  OE80XRW     1389
01Sep-30Nov  ON60Z       1401
30Nov-21Dec  P40TA       1412 *
20Nov-29Nov  P40W        1411
18Nov-18May  P49MR       1411

NOW  -29Nov  S9BB        1412 *
NOW  -Apr05  S9SS        1390
NOW  -Nov04  ST2PN       1399
NOW  -Dec04  ST2T        1403
21Sep-20Dec  SU8BHI      1403
NOW  -Mar05  T98AQL      1410
25Nov-01Dec  TF/JR2KDN.. 1412 *
NOW  -Feb06  TJ3SL       1407
14Nov-28Nov  TM6OST      1410
NOW  -Sep05  TT8FT       1401

24Nov-28Nov  V26K        1411
23Oct-23Dec  VC3W        1408
01Dec-31Dec  VC9COAL     1412 *
27Nov-05Dec  VI3BML      1412 *
NOW  -Dec04  VK0DX       1406
01Dec-21Dec  VK2GED      1412 *
19Nov-30Nov  VP2MLA      1411
21Nov-30Nov  VP5W..      1411
30Nov-10Dec  VP8/DJ2VO   1412 *
20Nov-04Dec  VP8WWW      1411
NOW  -Dec04  VQ9LQ       1398
NOW  -31Dec  VQ9OG       1412 *

NOW  -31Dec  WL7CPA      1402
22Nov-30Nov  XU7ADF..    1411
22Nov-05Dec  XU7ADI      1411
20Nov-Feb05  XU7POS..    1411
NOW  -2005   XW3DT       1410
NOW   Feb05  YI9KT/YI9GT 1408
NOW  -Mar06  ZD8I        1402
24Nov-05Dec  ZK1DRA      1412 *

 * = new
.. = and other calls

TNX: DJ5AV, DK8JB, DL1SBF, DL4KQ, DL7VOA, DL8UKE, GM3VLB, K5WW, 425 DX News, ARRL DX Bulletin, La Gazette du DX, KB8NW OPDX Bulletin, Scottish DX News, The Daily DX and others.