DX News Letter 1180
January 10, 2000

DX-NL 1180 - January 10, 2000
DX News Letter
Editor: Michael, DJ5AV

(e-mail: dxmb@darc.de)

English by: Bob, DL7VOA
(e-mail: dxnl@darc.de)


VP8/a - ANTARCTICA YL Sarah is QRV from the Siple Dome Station signing KC4AAD for the next few weeks. QSL via K4MZU. --- Mike, RW1AI, left the Russian base "Novolazarevskaya" (R1AND is the current op there) to be QRV as R1ANP from "Progress Base" until the end of March. QSL direct only via NT2X, Edward Kritsky, Box 715, Brooklyn, NY 11230, USA who acts only as a maildrop for Mike. NT2X will hand the mail over to RW1AI in April 2000 (see DXNL 1168).


T32 - EASTERN KIRIBATI Dick, W4ZYV, is on the air as T32DA from Christmas Island (OC-024) from Jan 11-25. He left a radio and a tribander on Midway for future activities.

VP6 - PITCAIRN ISLAND Jukka, OH2BR, is going to Pitcairn Island (OC-044) for three months starting in Jan. He arrives in Auckland/New Zealand on Jan 11 and will leave for Pitcairn on Jan 19. His return is scheduled for early May. Jukka will operate in CW/SSB/RTTY on 6-160m signing VP6BR from Tom's shack (VP6TC) and/or from the clubstation VP6PAC on the top of the hill. He plans also to make some trips to Henderson Isl (OC-056) and Ducie Isl. (OC-182) if it can be done with a reasonable effort. QSLs will be handled after his return via OH2BR, Jukka Heikinheimo, Box 37, SF-01361 Vantaa, Finland. For further information check: http://www.qsl.net/oh2br/.

VK0 - MACQUARIE ISLAND Alan is QRV as VK0MM until the end of the year. His homepage writes (http://www.geocities.com/vk0ld/1.html) the actual operating times and QSL information: NO QSL manager! QSLs will be mailed only after his return to Australia. Do NOT send QSLs NOW, any mail arriving too early will be destroyed unopened. "Security" QSOs and e-mails asking "Am I in the log?" will lead to the deletion of all QSOs!


3DA - SWAZILAND Andre, ZS6WPX, is active in SSB on 10/15/20/40m signing 3DA0WPX from Jan 11-15. QSL direct only via ZS6WPX.

9Q - ZAIRE The "Secretariat General de PTT Kinshasa" announced that new 9Q licenses will be issued this month.

XT - BURKINA FASO XT2DR is active until Jan 24. QSL via F6BZH.


4U/un - UNITED NATIONS HEADQUARTERS IN NEW YORK Contrary to what was printed in DXNL 1179 Fritz, DL4TT, was not QRV from 4U1ITU in Geneve but commenced his CW operation from 4U1UN in New York on Jan 7.

TI - COSTA RICA Carlos, TI5KD, and some more operators intend to operate as TE8CH from Chira Island (NA-116) in SSB/CW on 80-6m from Jan 19-23.


8Q - MALDIVES Vadim, UA9CLB, hits the airwaves from Meeru Island (AS-013) until Jan 14. He is working as 8Q7DV in CW/SSB/RTTY/PSK31. QSL via UA9CI.

9N - NEPAL Charlie, K4VUD, left Nepal on Jan 6 after logging many thousand QSOs as XW1UD, HS0ZCW and 9N7UD. The QSL cards will be ordered this week. Charlie had the impression that the local noise level increased very much. 160/80m operation is possible only far outside of Kathmandu with good antennae and a big amplifier. In Laos (XW) he had a very good because remote location. In Thailand he operated as HS0ZCW from the very well equipped station of HS1CHB running a TH-7 and TH-6 on a 15 storey house. The local OMs were supported with new radios, antennae and accessories from several donors. In the future they want to collect all donated equipment at the clubstation 9N1MM which will possibly get the new callsign 9N0MM. Regular activities can now be expected from 9N1AA, 9N1HA, 9N1AC and 9N2AA. 9N1ACs incoming mail was opened several times so he had to put Carl, N4AA, in charge of his QSL manager.


DATE            CALL            DXNL

NOW   -Jan 14   3B8/I5JHW       1179
Jan 11-Jan 15   3DA0WPX         1180 *
NOW             3W6AP           1179
NOW             3XY1B0          1150
NOW             4U0G            1179
Jan 7 - ?       4U1UN (DL4TT)   1179, 1180 *
Dec 10-Jan 15   5H3MG           1177
NOW             5H9IR etc       1179
NOW   -Jan 14   8Q7DV           1180 *
Jan 12-Jan 18   8Q7WP, 8Q7ET    1179
Jan 10-End Mar  9U5D            1167, 1179

NOW/SOON        A45ZN           1150
Jan 6 -Jan 16   CE0Z            1179
Mar/99-2001     E4/G3WQU        1140
Jan 5 -End May  FH/TU5AX        1179
NOW   -2001     FK8VHY          1160, 1168
Feb 26-Mar 15   FO/Clipperton   1161
Jan   - ??      FT5YH           1179

Jan   -Dec/2000 HB2...          1179
NOW   -2000     HK3JBR          1128, 1144
Dec   -Feb/2000 HS (OH2EA)      1177
Dec 24-2000     HV0A            1178
NOW   -Jun/2000 JD1BKR          1169
NOW   -Feb      KC4AAD          1180 *
NOW   -Feb      NZ7Q/KH4        1179
Dec 4 -Feb/2000 LZ0A            1173, 1176

NOW             OD/F5SQM        1168
Dec   -Apr/2000 P49MR           1175
Jan 5 -End Apr  PY (F2JD)       1178
Nov 18-?        R1ANB etc       1175
NOW   -Mar      R1ANP           1180 *
Jan 1 -Dec 31   R1FJV           1179
NOW   -Dec/2000 SV/OK1YM        1177
Jan 19-Jan 23   TE8CH           1180 *
Jan 11-Jan 25   T32DA           1180 *
NOW             TZ6YV           1174

Oct 30-Apr 1    V31JP           1171
NOW   -Dec/2000 VK0MM           1170, 1176, 1178-1180 *
Jan 20-May      VP6BR           1180 *
NOW   -Feb/2000 VP8NJS          1174
Jan 8 -Jan 15   VP9/KE0UI       1179
Nov   -May/2000 VQ9PO           1176
Sep 29-Jan/2000 VQ9DX           1177
      -Dec/2000 VR2FD           1122
Dec 13-Jan 17   VU2BMS          1175

NOW   -Jan 24   XT2DR           1180 *
Jan/00-Feb 4    XU7AKM ?        1175
Dec   -Mar/2000 XV (VK6LC)      1177
NOW (1 week)    XW4UD           1176
Jan 13-Feb 6    XZ0A            1179
Oct 29-May/2000 ZF2NT           1171

"NEW": 1180 *

Bandspots of the last 7 days

   7X5JF       1841  2337Z direct or via CBA
   KH2/K4SXT   1824  2034Z via K4SXT
   NP3G        1833  0306Z via W5XJ
   OD5/OK1MU   1820  2216Z via OKDXF, bureau
   VK6HD       1835  2057Z via bureau
   VQ9QM       1829  2121Z via W4QM, bureau

   7X2LS       3780  0607Z direct only
   CE0Z        3799  0749Z via CE6TBN, bureau
   SU9ZZ       3508  0319Z via OM3TZZ, bureau
   ZL1ANJ      3799  1720Z

   8J1RL       7055  2046Z via JA bureau
   BV2RS       7048  2054Z via bureau
   FG/JJ2NYT/p 7019  0844Z via JJ2NYT, bureau
   FO0WII      7008  0645Z via LA6VM, bureau
   FY5FU       7055  2216Z via F5PAC, bureau
   TI2WGO/4    7003  0416Z via N5BUS
   TZ6YV       7045  0636Z via WA1ECA, bureau
   V31JP       7003  0625Z via KA9WON, bureau
   YK1AO       7005  0454Z via CBA

   E4/G3WQU   10106  2059Z via bureau
   EK1700LV   10105  0638Z via IK2DUW, direct
   FG/W8MV    10108  2214Z via bureau
   KH2/N2NL   10102  0733Z via W2YC, bureau
   R1ANP      10108  2028Z via NT2X, direct
   S79LE      10110  2150Z via DL8LE
   T88LJ      10109  1529Z via JH8DEH
   V73CW      10120  0712Z via AC4G, bureau
   VQ9VK      10109  1626Z via N1TO
   VR2LC      10105  1624Z via CBA or bureau

   CE9/R3CA   14195  2213Z via UA9OBA, also bureau
   FK/7M2VPR  14194  1236Z via bureau
   FT5YG      14133  1817Z via F5LBL, CBA 99
   FW5ZL      14195  0947Z
   JD1BIC/JD1 14007  0738Z via JA bureau

   9G5ZW      18147  0930Z via OM3LZ

   3D2AG/R    21295  0751Z via CBA
   JD1BKR     21190  0912Z via JA bureau
   XT2DR      21275  0728Z
   XV7TH      21230  1038Z via SK7AX, bureau

   3B9FR      24900  0931Z via CBA
   5H9IR      24945  1048Z via ZS6EZ, bureau
   CE0Z       24920  1609Z via CE6TBN, bureau
   FG/W8MV    24902  1313Z via bureau
   JW5NM      24962  1340Z via LA5NM, bureau
   T88MM      24930  0820Z via JA3AJ, bureau
   ZD9BV      24937  0926Z via W4FRU, also bureau

   3B8/I5JHW  28460  1231Z via bureau
   8P9EM      28564  1538Z via G3VBL, bureau
   E4/G3WQU   28002  1358Z via bureau
   FK8VHY     28005  0827Z via F8CMT
   HC5AI      28019  1327Z via bureau
   HF0POL     28003  1519Z via SP3WVL
   JT1CJ      28525  0900Z via bureau
   VQ9NL      28044  0927Z via W4NML
   WH6LU      28455  1034Z
   ZF2NT      28026  1319Z via G3SWH, bureau


QSL Routes

The DX Magazine counted the Most Wanted DXCC entities at the turn of the year. After collecting also the mails from the online DXers following are the 20 Most Wanted DXCC entities: P5, VU4, A5, BS7, 7O, 3Y/B, VU7, VK0/H, VP8/SS, 3C, YA, FR/J, FR/G, FR/T, 3Y/P, FO/C, VP8/G, KH5K, SV/A and CE0/San Felix.

If you have problems finding the corresponding IOTA numbers to certain JA stations check: http://www01.u-page.so-net.ne.jp/ba2/jim/iota_e.html.

Following QSLs were printed or mailed at the turn of the year: 3C0R, F/IK1TTD (EU-070), T31YL (T31T & T31K at the printer), TE8CI (NA-117), VP2MBT, VP2MGL, ZK3YL (ZK3CW & ZK3CW at the printer).

QSLs arrived buro: 3DA0NX (ZS6CAX), 6M0HZ (HL1XP), 8Q7AC (DJ4KW), 9M6UZT, 8Q7US (JR2KDN),9G5HK (DL1IAL),9G5MF (KC7V),9G5ZM (G3EZM), 9H3IN (HB9DLE), 9H8/9H3GI (DL2GWL), C6AGN (W1DIG), E41/OK1DTP (OK1TD)

QSLs arrived direct: FW8ZZ (OH2BH), V44KJ (WB2TSL), SV2ASP/A, ZM4IR/p (W8WC)

TNX for information to 425 DXNEWS, 599 DX Report, Antarctic Bulletin/IK1GPG, ARRL DX News, DF1ZN, DF6EX, DJ3CP, DK2JX, DL1GEH,DL1SBF,DL1SDH,DL2BQV,DL7PR, DXPRESS, GOList, Les Nouvelles DX, OPDX, RTTY DX NOTES, The DAILY DX, The DX Magazine and others.