- AF: Africa
- amp: linear amplifier (i.e. high power)
- ARC: Amateur Radio Club
- ARI: Associazione Radioamatori Italiani
- AS: Asia
- ASL: above sea-level
- ATNO: all-time new one
- Auto: when used in "QSL" field, operation will automatically QSL all QSOs
- B/d: Bureau or direct (with regard to QSL routes)
- b/c: because
- Buro: [QSL] bureau
- CBA: call book address
- CW: "continuous wave" = telegraphy (i.e. international morse code)
- DARC: Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club
- ECNA: east cost of North America
- EU: Europe
- fm: from
- GS: green stamp, i.e. $1 (one U.S. dollar bill)
- HF: high frequency [bands] (i.e., 160-10 M amateur bands)
- hc: home callsign
- hrs: hours
- incl: include, including, included
- IRC: international reply coupon
- I, Is: Island, Islands
- JARL: Japan Amateur Radio League
- LF: low frequency [bands] (i.e. 160-40 M)
- LotW: Logbook of the World
- M: meter [band] (e.g. 6 M = 6 meter amateur band)
- NA: North America
- nr: near
- OC: Oceania
- OQRS: Online QSL Request System (typically, see associated Web page)
- PSK: PSK31, a digital mode
- QRV: active; on the air; operating
- REF: Union française des radioamateurs
- RP: return postage; understood as sufficient IRCs or currency (usually US dollars) to pay for return mail
- SA: South America
- SAE: self-addressed envelope
- SASE: self-addressed stamped envelope
- SES: special event station
- TBA: to be announced
- TBD: to be determined
- UTC: Universal Coordinated Time; also called GMT or Z; time of day at the Greenwich (England) meridian
- vert: vertical antenna
- w/: with
- WARC [bands]: 30, 17, 12 meter amateur bands
- WLH: World Light House [Award]
- Z: universal time; UT; UTC; Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Thanks are due to K1ES for pointing out the need for this page. If you encounter
other abbreviations you feel should be added, please send me a note: