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Amateur Radio Contesting Resources and Information

DX Operation Announcements for Forthcoming Contests

Forthcoming contests operations are included in the tables linked-to below. For operations in contests that have already taken place (1996+), use the menu provided under "Operations for Previous Contests". Note however, this is archival data and is not, as a rule, updated. The older the record, the more likely it is that QSL routes, contact information, and links to Web pages will no longer be accurate.

For operations in the forthcoming smaller contests for which I don't create dedicated tables and for operations that are not contest oriented, check the Announced DX Operations (ADXO) table.

Operations in Specific Forthcoming Contests

   [Submit your own contest DXpedition information (Please, no single op from common entities)]

Other Contest Operation Tables and Facilities

Contest Calendars

Contest Web Pages

These are Web pages specifically designed for and dedicated to a single contest. Typically, they include more than just an announcment or rule list for a single year (which can almost always be found in the better "Contest Calendars"). These pages may contain (or provide links to) such items as Contest: History; Records; Results; County Names/Abbreviations; Logging Programs, etc. Ideally, they're a single "point-of entry" from which one can find "everything you ever wanted to know" about a particular contest and are well maintained and up-to-date. Kudos to the pioneers who have created and are maintaining these pages! I believe the Asia-Pacific Sprint offer excellent models for contest Web pages.

Contest Logging Software

Other Contest Resources and Pages

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Bill Feidt/NG3K
Last updated: Monday, 21-Oct-2024 11:21:59 EDT