DX News Letter Search

Search terms: for items

Search callsigns (e.g. VK0LD, P51BH), DXCC locations (e.g. Macao, Cambodia), in fact, any word that occurs in a DX News Letter between issue number 971 (December 4, 1995) and the most current issue. The yearly "QSL Route" lists are also searched. The search engine will return a linked list of DXNL issues/QSL Route lists that contain your query term(s). Click the link of choice and use your browser's "find" function to locate the term within the issue.

Search terms may be truncated by using the "*" symbol. For example, searching "OH0*" will retrieve DXNL issues that mention OH0W, OH0AW, OH0Z, or any other OH0 callsign.

The Boolean operators "AND", "OR", and "NOT" are supported. A query statement of "france and belgium" will retrieve DXNL issues that contain both words. Likewise, "france or belgium" will retrieve issues containing either word. Further, "france not belgium" will retrieve issues that mention France, but only if they do not mention Belgium.

Case distinctions are ignored. Seaching "p51bh" is equivalent to searching "P51BH" (or "p51Bh", for that matter).

Should you want to limit your retrieval to less than all "hits", use the "for [all] items" drop down box to the right of the query field.

Retrieved items are ranked in order of "goodness" with respect to the query string; that is, the most relevant "hits" are supposed to occur closest to the top of the list. In practice, this works only marginally well.

Query string parenthetical grouping is not supported. Phrase searching is not supported. Multi-word queries separated by spaces are Boolean ANDed for search purposes. That is, the query string "France Germany" is treated in the same way as the string "France and Germany".

The indexing software used is SWISH-E

Comments and suggestions to:

Last updated: December 27, 1999