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Following the format below, put your announcement in an email and send it to
ADXO DX Operation Submission Form Begin date (yyyymmdd): End date (yyyymmdd): Submitter's callsign:: Submitter's e-mail: Call sign(s) to be used: DXCC entity (name, not call sign prefix): Intended bands of operation: Intended modes of operation: QSL route call sign: LoTW?: Specific OQRS (e.g. Club Log OQRS): Operator(s) call sign(s):: Other Info:Please read the Submission and Inclusion Guidelines below before submitting your announcement
Submission Guidelines
Please observe the requested date format for operation begin and end dates: yyyymmdd. For example, May 6, 2008 would be 20080506. In the QSL route field, give the call sign of the QSL manager; do not say, "direct" or ""; further QSL details, if needed, should be provided in the "Info" field. You must provide a working email address in the Submitter's e-mail field so that I may contact you if necessary; Unless you specifically request otherwise, I will not publish your email address. Observe normal upper/lower case conventions throughout (all call signs must use upper case letters, DXCC entity should be the name of the entity in upper/lower case). Do not put a call sign prefix in the DXCC entity field. In the Info field, include such details as "bands to be activated", "modes to be used", IOTA group reference numbers, and antenna (if significant). The Begin date, End date, Submitter's callsign, Submitter's e-mail, Callsign(s) to be used, DXCC entity, and Operator(s) callsign(s) fields are required to be completed. If you plan to upload your logs to the Logbook of the World, please enter LotW in the QSL route field and indicate any alternative QSL routes in the Info field.
Inclusion Guidelines
Submitting a major contest related operation? Please use the contest operation submission form. ADXO is primarily a resource for announcing DX operations from less common DXCC countries. I cannot include in ADXO operations from common countries, even island or special event operations. Although island and SES activations are worthwhile activities with a significant following, I simply do not have the time to process the many such operations from common countries that take place each year. I hope you will understand. I may, from time to time, include an island or other entity activitation from a common country if the entity itself is highly sought-after and exceptionally rarely activated. Of course, island and SES operations from less common countries are welcome. All island operations should be submitted using the contest operation submission form, as should operations that are mainly contest in nature. I may, from time to time, include an island if the island is highly sought-after and exceptionally rarely activated. Of course, island and SES operations from less common countries are welcome. All RSGB IOTA Contest island operations should be submitted using the contest operation submission form, as should operations that are mainly contest in nature. activation calendar too. I prefer not to include very long term operations (more than a couple of months) although I do make occasional exceptions, especially for the very rare entities.
Bill Feidt/NG3K
Last updated:
Friday, 07-Mar-2025 10:16:31 EST
Copyright © W.B. Feidt 1996-2008