NG3K Amateur Radio DX and Contesting
Call Book Links
- WM7D's FCC Callsign Database
- Buckmaster's World Wide HamCallTM Server
- Andorra (Unió de Radioaficionats Andorrans)
- Australia (Australian Communications Authority)
- Belarus (EW2EO)
- Belarus (EU6TV)
Access from prefix list, color-coded district map, or through callsign search
- Belgium (ON1DJU)
- Bulgaria (LZ1KSN)
- Bermuda
- Bosnia and Herzegovina (T93Y)
- Canada
- China (BA4EG & BD7NQ)
- CIS Countries (EK, ER, EU, EX, EY, EZ, UK, UN, UR, RA, 4K, 4L)
- Corsica
- Croatia
- Czech Republic (OK)
- Egypt (SU1ER)
- Estonia (ERAU)
- Estonia (ES5AAW)
- Finland (OH1FT, OH7LZB)
- France (REF Union)
- Gabon (List of Association Gabonaise des Radioamateurs members)
- Guernsey (GU3MBS)
- Hong Kong (VR)
- Indonesia
- Ireland (EI7GL)
- Italy
- Lithuania (Lithuanian Amateur Radio Society)
- Luxembourg (LX1NO)
- Luxembourg
(Luxembourg Amateur Radio Society)
- Mongolia (AC6V)
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Poland (Polski Zawiazek Krotkofalowcow)
- Romania (YO3KAA)
- Slovakia (OM1AVK)
- South Africa (SARL)
Provides call sign lookup for South Africa (ZS, ZR, ZU) and SARL members outside of South Africa
- Sri Lanka (RSSL)
- Sweden (Sveriges Sändareamatörer)
- Sweden Contest, Special Events & Anniversary, and Special Calls (SM3CER)
- Tadjikistan
(EY) (Tajik Amateur Radio League)
- Tadjikistan (EY)
- Turkey (TA3AK)