Home Page Content:
NG3K Provided Resources:
Call Books
QSL Info
Mesa Mike's List of USA AM Band Radio Stations
Search by latitude, longitude, callsign, frequency, state. Built using the FCC's newer LMS database files.

The Canada/US AM Station Info Search Page
Search by latitude, longitude, callsign, frequency, state or province, format.
Search AM and FM US/Canada broadcast stations
by callsign, frequency, or location
IRCA Mexican Log

22nd Edition,
2019, International
Radio Club of America; authoritative, detailed, and
up-to-date listing of Mexican AM broadcast
band radio stations, much based on actual monitoring; includes
information concerning transition to FM. Updated to Sep 1, 2019.
Searchable Online Directory of North American FM Radio Stations
Covers United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America
and the Caribbean; search by call sign, frequency, city, state/province, country,
and more and by any combination thereof; kudos to WTFDA
(Worldwide TV-FM DX Association)
and editors Mike Bugaj (CT), Bill Hale and James Niven (TX), Jim Thomas (MO),
Fred Nordquist (SC), Les Rayburn (AL)
China AM Radio ID Database

Database archiving top-of-hour station IDs and time pips of 636 AM stations and networks in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan for the use of radio hobbyists,
Rabbit Ears TV Query
Search US TV stations by location, call sign, channel,
and by any combination thereof; output brief or detailed results; kudos to
the Rabbit Ears site which also
provides a staggering array of TX DXing tools (including a
Live Band Scan,
a Google Map display of TV tuners across the US continually scanning
and graphically displaying their reception results )
World Radio History
Jaw-dropping searchable collection of radio
broadcasting memorabilia; contains PDF copies of Radex, White's Radio
Log, FBIS Radio Stations, Jones North American Radio and TV guide, and
many others; QSL collections from old-time veteran AM broadcast band
DXers; much, much more
History of Canadian Broadcasting
Definitive History of AM and FM
and TV broadcasting in Canada; created by the Canadian Communications
Broadcast Archive
Extensive compilation of historical data
on the pioneer radio stations and broadcasting in the US
United States Early Radio History
(By Thomas H. White)
US/Canada TV Database
(By Doug, W9WI)
TV Tropo Ducting Forecast Map
Domestic Broadcasting Survey by the Danish Shortwave Club
Enter a short wave broadcast frequency and
find out what worldwide stations are operating on that frequency
at the current time
Sample Sounds of Digital Modes
How far is it?
Calculate distance between 2 locations by
entering lat/long for each
Commercial Airline
Flight Locater (Real Time!!)
First Class CW Operators' Club
Hard Core DX dot Com
Open Amateur Radio Repeater Page
U.S. Federal Communications Commission
NG3K usage statistics, (Includes ng3k.com and cpcug.org servers)Analog.
NG3K Longitudinal Statistics (From Dec 1999, includes ng3k.com and cpcug.org servers)
NG3K Top Level Domain Longitudinal Statistics (Covering June 2000+)
NG3K Longitudinal Accesses by Section (Covering June 2000+)
Main site: http://www.ng3k.com
Backup site: https://www.his.com/~wfeidt/index.html
Bill Feidt, NG3K Bill@ng3k.com